I love it... this has made my day
Here's a really fun song about a dog...not just any dog! A very special dog named Caramel and Cream. The fast-moving quick-witted poetic lyrics are catchy, original and engaging, also very easy to understand, even though the vocalist fires them off faster than a puppy can cross the yard. Fantastic song! I'd love to hear more from this artist!
It's a lovely song. Tremendous guitar, piano and vocal. Great lyrical idea, which is very engaging. Lovely chord sequence. Excellent sound quality. A sophisticated yet accessible song.
This track reminded me a lot of Randy Newman. I dig the interplay of the acoustic guitar and the piano. Gave it a folky-jazz feel. Almost like the soundtrack to a Pixar movie. I like the wide spread of the instruments. The singer feels pretty nice and laid-back when he sings this, which makes me, the listener feel nice and laid-back.
Nice upbeat lyric and song. Different idea for a lyric. Soft and mellow.
Nicely produced song. Excellent mix on the acoustic guitars in the intro. The vocals are fun and remind me of Randy Newman. A fun song with a flood of memories strewn throughout the lyrics. I can see this song placed in an animated film like toy story.
This took me back to my childhood days, romping in green pastures with school friends, and also holds meaning for me today - going on hikes with my dog, sharing snacks and just lounging in the sunshine. The melody is very bluesy, very relaxing, and I really appreciated the addition of the horns, which keeps it fresh, alert and prevents the listener from drifting off - though doing so would not be a bad thing since it gives the feeling that you will be drifting on a cloud.
Feels goods, sounds good. May be the best song I've reviewed today. The instrumentation is good and the recording is clear.
Like it like it. Great vocals great work.
very well recorded, sounds like a Vegas lounge act, you could sell this to Wayne Newton
A perfect mix up of James Taylor, Ben Sidran, and Randy Newman
Lovely song too
Well done
Like the horns and the laid back guitar. Great groove.
Trips along very nicely. Very cheerful. Reminded me of a TV programme intro tune. i.e. Cheers or Friends. Liked it.
Good song! Professional work! Liked the piano at about 1:20 1:30. I liked also the voice of the singer, very clean and substantial
very nice mix and overall feel