His Son

Story Behind The Song

This song was written to clear up a misconception about the purpose and heart of Christ as well as the heart of God. God asked His Son to be sacrifce for Us. Jesus died for His Father because He asked Him too. He loves us as well but the act of love was for His Father. The act of our salvation was an act of Sacrifice of a beloved Son from a loving Father for His lost children. I hope this song shines a light on the sacrifice and heart of God in this act of redemption.

Song Description

The whole story of sacrifice behind the redemption of man. For God so loved the world that He sent His Son... The Son so loved the Father that said "prepare me a body and I will go and redeem man. "

Song Length 3:32 Genre R & B - Religious



God gave His Son
He gave His Life
God had to sit by and watch Him cry

His thorn scarred head
His back bore our stripes
They abused Him and sent Him off the die

Now I know what true love is
He gave His innocent Son
So that you and I may once again
Return to Him as one.. He have His son


Sometimes I sit and think about
What he's done for me
How He lived and died for us
To set the whole world free

But now that I am older
And see through a father's eyes
The pain he felt the hurt inside
A Father's sacrifice



So He sent His Son to cleanse this world from sin
But little did they know it all starts from within
Never in the hearts of men could they ever comprehend
That on the third day He would rise again!

God gave His Son
He gave His Life
Forever He shall reign on High

The debt has been paid
The battle is won
He is Risen all praise the Holy One!

Now you know what true love is
He gave His innocent Son
So that you and I may once again
Return to Him as one... He gave His son (tag 2x)

Lyrics A-TRAX Music A-TRAX
Producer A-TRAX Publisher A-TRAX
Performance A-TRAX

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