Solace is a hard working original band wih lots of talent, the boy's next door have grown into real rock stars with there own sound and addtiudes . All there songs are on the hard side with a dark edge, which all stem from the hart and mind of lead guitarist and vox. Raul allen who from the day he picked up the guitar knew he wanted tobe a front man in a rock and roll band. His roots are based in the islands but his hart is in to hard rock. From the day he heard his first metal power riff he was hooked.The band calls Manchester NH home and in summer of 1989 the stars alined when Raul met Jeff Corless a determined musician that was ready to sacafic his talents as a guitarist to play bass. And so it was solace was born, along the way Andy Chrias joined up as the main man on the skins. In the winter of 2000 they realsed there debute CD Life In The City which got mixed reviews from the local press. Solace the band is in it's 4 yr now and still moving foward like a run away freight train,


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