17 year old, composer/singer/musician. Born in Las Vegas, but 6 years ago moved and grew up in Santa Barbara. She has taken singing lessons for 6 years, played piano for 10, and also plays the guitar. She writes, sings, and plays all of her original music. To hear a few of many of her songs check out her temporary site, and new music is going to be put on their very soon-
Press Info
Santa Barbara local Skyler Stonestreet recently received the honor of being named Winner of August's Folk Category by the Song of the Year
( http://www.songoftheyear.com/ ) songwriting contest. Song of the Year is an international songwriting contest supporting VH-1’s Save the Music Foundation. The Song of the Year judges are some of the biggest names in music including many Grammy Award winners.
Song of the Year is excited to recognize Skyler Stonestreet for her exceptional songwriting ability for the song Standing Strong. Skyler Stonestreet competed against songwriters from all over the world for this honor. When asked what inspired the song Skyler Stonestreet commented that, "It is an uplifting song, relating to my own personal problems, and how you can make it through them."
Currently Skyler Stonestreet is concentrating on her music career while hoping to get a record deal, and opportunities for live performing
You can find more information about Skyler Stonestreet at
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17 year old, female composer/singer/musician. Born in Las Vegas, 6 years ago moved and grew up in Santa Barbara. She has been singing for 6 years, played piano for 10, and also plays the guitar, and writes, sings, and plays all of her own original music.