Pat Haberl

Pat Haberl

Pat Haberl is a singer songwriter and singer and guitarist in several bands including "The Whethermen". Pat has written songs for and recorded 4 full length albums including his recently completed "country" album and 3 albums with the Whethermen, including Evolver (Under the band's former name "Monkeys With Guns"), the self titled second album and the Third Album, Beautiful World. All three Whethermen albums are available through cd baby, iTunes and Spotify. The Country Album is not yet released.

Latest News

I recently had a trumpet player come in and do some Mariachi type trumpet work on a song, Mexico. The trumpet player did an amazing job. Check out the recording on the site.

Pat has another album's worth of country material and is also cobbling together an album of "Brit Rock" material for the 5th and 6th albums of his growing library of material.

Press Info

More Rockin' than Dave Matthews!
Nyrock called tHE wHEThERmEN's sound “kind of college-frat rock stuff, more rocking than Dave Matthews, but not as rough as Pearl Jam”.

Refreshing Sound
Bobby Borg
Bobby Borg said that “Choruses are catchy, over all the music is fun. You have a refreshing sound; something needed back on the radio”.


The Whethermen is Pat Haberl on vocals and guitar, Trevor Wiebe on vocals and guitar, Andre Beaulieu on bass and backing vocals and Gord Rogers on drums. The band has been playing its original material for more than 3 years . The Whethermen's first cd "Evolver" was given positive reviews. Nyrock called their sound “kind of college-frat rock stuff, more rocking than Dave Matthews, but not as rough as Pearl Jam”. Bobby Borg said that “Choruses are catchy, over all the music is fun. You have a refreshing sound; something needed back on the radio”. “Livid Sky” off of Evolver was recently licensed for use in an upcoming movie for PAXtv. “Fade to Black”, also off of Evolver, was recently licensed for use in the FOX TV production “Higher Ground” which was distributed world wide. The Whethermen are in well into the process of completing their second cd.


This Artist has 2 Albums


over 30 days ago to Pat Haberl

Love your music! Is there a way to tell which of your songs are new?

2 Replies
Pat Haberl
over 30 days ago

Well, the truth is that there is not much on my site that is really new. I lost faith in the idea of licensing my music when I had very little success and felt like I was investing a lot of time effort and money. I'm sure others do better, perhaps when they custom write songs for the terms of the "opportunity". I never did that. I do have new music and I continue to create new music, I just don't update Broadjam with it. Maybe if people actually have an interest I will rethink that approach.

over 30 days ago

Please never stop making music

over 30 days ago to Pat Haberl

Pat - you write amazing songs. Love them!!!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Pat Haberl

Hey There Pat......It's the Corey's again!! Love your new song, "Nowhere to Go"....what's going on in the intro vocally? Are you playing thru a Kazoo, how did you get that neat sound? 5 stars GREAT HOOK!!! You are the REAL DEAL....keep it up!! The Corey's

2 Replies
Pat Haberl
over 30 days ago

Hey Margie and Art
Thanks again for listening and for the great comments. I thin thanks again for listening and for the great comments. It is really encouraging, believe it or not. Regarding the sound at the beginning of the song, I think it must the overdriven microphone with me singing who who.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the info regarding the Microphone Sound!! Hey, just listened to "Beautiful World" guys need to really PUSH THAT SONG!! It has the feel of the song "Shut Up And Dance" Walk the Moon! It's just a terrific VIBE !!! PLEASE KEEP PUSHING IT...IT's GIANT! I have been telling all my Broad Jam mates to go and have a listen!! They are's HOT!!! Marg & Art Corey Peace Out!!

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