Sometimes it takes a little homemade inspiration to bring out the best in a songwriter. He has enjoyed composing music since his childhood, and it was his childhood friends who convinced him that a favorite hobby could one day become a fulfilling career.
During his progression from high school, to college, and on to law school, Mike filled idle time by cultivating musical hooks, which he'd eventually record and play at social events. The response from neighborhood attendees was positive, and so was the encouragement that Mikey got to take his productions to a professional level.
As chance would have it, he phoned Skyelab Music Group in New York City, and he was fortunate enough to have his call answered by none other than the company's founder, Arty Skye. From there began a lasting relationship that has produced songs of varying genres and styles. Singles like, "You're the Greatest," "Survive," "Don't Stop the Race," and "In God we Trust" provide a vibrant sa
Sounds Like: Bruno Mars