I'm from a very small, Canadian town known as Emo, Ontario. I grew up listening and dancing to Elvis Presley which gave me the early inspiration to create music as a young child. Began singing consistently working on overall tonal quality. I started leaning towards heavier music when I started playing guitar but was always a fan of everything. I try to play everything, but my strengths are rockish acoustic songs and heavy metal instrumental pieces. Generally, I'm hoping people look at me as a kid that loves to play and sing, and work hard at it. Serious.

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I posted a new song. It's a rough recording and all the ideas are there. I think once i produce it properly, it could be a really great song. Have a listen...please? "Listen for Metal in Emo"


Maverick Judson...in short!

Since birth, Maverick Dylan Judson craved to pursue a fulfilling career as a musician. He started out as a closet guitar player/singer. It blossomed into a real dream. Years flew by and pulling influences from Elvis Presley, some old school Bee-Bop, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Sleep Terror, Between the Buried and Me, Necrophagist, mainstream rock/pop and other assorted material, he managed to throw a few small shows together with his band. This sparked the fire inside of him to start writing his own material supporting influences from many genres, but leaning towards a heavier sound. Inevitabley, the rest is history...


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