Kristen's artistry gracefully embraces R&B, hip-hop, reggae, and jazz - the music she soaked up growing up in Barbados. She counts influences as varied as Bob Marley, The Weeknd, Sade, Ella Fitzgerald, and Drake. As early as age four, she was certain of her destiny in music, and by 16, she was accepted at the Barbados Community College where she graduated in 2014 with an Associates degree in music. Formally studying music profoundly shaped her as an artist. Outside of the rigors of the institute, Kristen would post videos of her own stunning rendition of modern urban classics, and she would ply her craft working alongside diverse and distinguished artists. Some highlights in her resume include legendary jazz trumpeter Marcus Belgrave, Grammy-nominated jazz vocalist Joan Belgrave, jazz pianist Ian Finkelstein, saxophonist Marcus Elliot, reggae and modern jazz crossover pioneer Arturo Tappin & Band, and modern reggae icon Willie Stewart from Third World.
Sounds Like: Sade