Kelly Snyder lives within her music. Her songs and particularly her voice halt you in your tracks. They embody the raw, drenched emotion that echoes and deafens our daily experiences. She draws you close and immerses you into her thought provoking melodies and thoughts.

In June 2004 she entered the studio and began work on her debut album with producer Charles Newman. Her cinematic and entrancing songs balance sensitive soul and moody songwriting with a tarnished and left of center production. This works with stunning effect as ghostly distorted guitars and pedal steels act as the perfect backdrop to her sensual vocals. It is a brief but intriguing glimpse into the musical mind of Kelly Snyder. Debut release due out on Mother West Fall '04.

Similar Artists

Fiona Apple, Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan.


Elliott Smith, Kings of Convenience, Stina Nordenstam, Ben Folds (Five), Fiona Apple, Jewel, Dashboard Confessional, Coldplay, Radiohead, Billie Holiday, Erykah Badu, Sheryl Crow, Deb Talan, Sarah McL


Kelly Snyder lives within her music. Her songs and particularly her voice halt you in your tracks. They embody the raw, drenched emotion that echoes and deafens our daily experiences. She draws you close and immerses you into her thought provoking melodies and thoughts.

In June 2004 she entered the studio and began work on her debut album with producer Charles Newman. (Magnetic Fields, Flare Walter Schriefels, Aarktica), This collaboration has coupled an eclectic production style with an innovative feel, ravishing melodies and a unique vocal style. In Oxygen we are sent drifting and swirling with Kelly’s rolling piano parts and captivating voice, whilst in the hypnotic Innocent we’re given a candid insight into her emotions; and finally the hauntingly fragile Rescue Me allows you to wallow in its soothing glow.

Her cinematic and entrancing songs balance sensitive soul and moody songwriting with a tarnished and left of center production. This works with stunning effect as ghostly distorted guitars and pedal steels act as the perfect backdrop to her sensual vocals. It is a brief but intriguing glimpse into the musical mind of Kelly Snyder.

Debut released on Mother West Feb. '05

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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