This band exists solely for the purpose of fun - not for you, for us. (And boy, do we know how to have fun.) It's pretty rad that people are into what we do, and we're super thankful for that! We like that all the dudes, and lady-dudes that come hang out at shows to drink, mosh and party with us while singing along! It makes us all sex-nuts inside.

We've put out two EP's and a single this year already, and we'd love for everyone to give us all their money, so we can quit our crappy day-jobs, and be "successful". So kindly give us your money, and Kyle will write a song about how you're awesome. Seriously. (Or at least how you're not a total piece of shit. He's done that already, it's boring.)

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2 brand new, 2013 EPs out now!

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The Moguls Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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