Mel Ez Hip Hop Superstar
Is Hip Hop dead? According to a rapper called Ludacris, it is not dead, it just went South. The South has been dominating the Hip Hop world for years. The influence it has had on the world can be seen everytime you someone leaning and rocking with it, snapping fingers, stepping on their toes, or pop locking and dropping it. The Southern drowl that has been used since the early days of Outkast in the early 90s has been incorporated into songs performed by artists such as The Notorious BIG to Jay Z. The South is finally being recognized as a part of Hip Hop music. Now that the South has a respected voice, the fruits of its labor are springing out to give you a perspective of what the South is and has to offer. Mel Ez has a story to tell, and he tells the story so well.
Mel Ez was born in Maryland, but was raised in North Carolina. From his early youth he was a fan of Hip Hop music which at that time was primarily East Coast driven. He was influenced by artist from the Old School to Nas, The Notorious BIG and Jay Z. That influence keep his formation of words precise and powerful, while his Southern upbringings added the style, flow, and personality rich and flavorful.
Mel Ez has performed all over the underground show circuit throughout the South. A contract situation that went bad pushed Mel Ez to go the mixtape route which lead him to being featured on mixtapes by DJ Kay Slay and DJ Base. His reputation for being a off the top of the head battler, and his charisma and style gained him the respect of Richmond County aka North Yard. No one gets on the microphone or touches the stage in North Yard unless he gives his stamp of approval. In other words Mel Ez has Richmond County on lock.
On a mission to create a even larger support system outside of North Carolina, Mel Ez came up with the idea of what is now called the "New Carolina Movement". New Carolina is the combined territory of North and South Carolina. In uniting the two states that start what is known as the dirty south, Mel Ez forsees a talent explosion that would be bigger than the one seen in Atlanta GA. The first installment of hits to show New Carolina pride is "Planet Carolina" which features fellow NC rapper Oompski and is produced by Tommy Gunz from NC who has produced songs for The Game and other established artist.
Armed with a arsenal of hits songs such as"Planet Carolina", "So Sexy", "Don't Be Offended", "Lock & Load" ,"Do Sumthing", and "Believe It Or Not" waiting to be heard, Mel Ez is ready to put New Carolina on the official Hip Hop Musical map.