GreySkyTheory is a one man organization who aims to shed emotions and feelings through audio. There is no real way to classify GreySkyTheory due to the fact that each track is its own auditory "genre" applies. The best thing any listener can do is to put on some headphones and listen to the soundscapes,emotions and feelings of each individual composition and experience for themselves.....sooner or later either through the music posted now or in the future, you will find a piece of yourself in the audio.
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Uploaded 3 "new" songs 2 of which are fun electronic pieces of audio "Seeing Through", "For Pressure Felt" and a dark sample based track entitled "Girl" which will be on the "Symposium" project..
Currently working on a new project and website
Black Cloud is an auditory trip like no other. Pure emotion and feeling fills the arangments...mostly electronic but also containing some live acoustic instruments. The music seems to be drawn from the darkside of a soul