Certificate of Authenticity: Having previously opened for acts as diverse as Hammel On Trial to Jeff Buckley, Fire-Dean’s solo set accomplishes much of what those artists have but with a little more swing. In the spirit of the rock show, F-d dismantles his beats only to reassemble them live. Using foot pedals to trigger samples, as well as good ole fashioned neurosis to trigger a plethora of wildly unfounded insecurities, he ditched the idea of ever becoming a traditional singer/songwriter in favor of creating a show punctuated by cheap laughs, loops, and his trademark opera. A raconteur, who The Washington Post describes as ‘one of the best songwriters in DC’. Before performing music Fire-Dean worked on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico for five years. Upon the passing of a family member he left Lousianna’s oil fields, perhaps in part to follow where her spirit left off… Washington DC. Today when he’s not writing and performing, F-d installs gardens in that city’s landscape. For show t


This Artist has 1 Album

Fire-Dean Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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