I let my fans talk:
"As a professional musician for over 20 years I have to say the first time I heard Eréne’s melodies, song structure, and harmonic sophistication I was stunned. She has become one of my favorite artists and her performances and grace are second to none." E.G

"I was at a loud party where everything stopped at once as soon as Erene began to sing. Her tender and piercing sound stays with you for good." E.

“I can’t believe you are singing about what I’m going through right now. Your show is an intense experience.” J.M.

"I was blown away by your voice; the soul and beauty of it... Your songs carried an elegance with a twist of Brazil. I heard the rhythms in my head while you played." T.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Erene


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you!!!!

Erene Friends

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