To share a little about myself with you, I will start out by saying that, I never meet a stranger. Every person I meet is a brother or sister. I work hard at trying to accomplish goals that I have to make this world a better place before I leave it. I treat as many folks with kindness as I possibly can. I am a God loving person that has a real soft spot in my heart for children and the elderly. I love to play my music for all ages, races, & creeds. I am not partial to any of the aforementioned, I love and treat all the same, with kindness! If you dig my tuneage, then purchase yourself some downloads and or a CD. Always remember, I'm not after your money, I just want a place in your heart. Money is an easy thing to come by compared to trust and friendship, right. Also remember this, ok - Mistabluesman is diggin' ya' baby! Thank You, Doc "Mistabluesman" Quinn
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