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Great name guys and I really was grooving to Love like a Fire!
Thanks for the 5-Star on Happy Accident...much appreciated!
I dig your sound guys...more coming? ~GP
Thanks!Absolutely. I'm uploading the rest soon but meanwhile check out our website You can hear our full album for free on it. Thanks for the shout out!
No prob! Scope out my tracks when you can!
For sure!
Great music man! Keep on keepin' on!
Thx! What did u dig most??
I just listened to a few again and I think I personally like "Halfway To Drunk" most. It has a good drive to it
Thx man! Are u on FB? If so Ill like your page. Im on there under Crosseyed Miles ;)
Yup! I just liked your page. My name is Phil by the way
Just returned the favor! I see the number went up but it doesnt show your name. Do you have any kind of block on it! Odd....
Just pumped your page on my Crosseyed Miles page!
No block! My name is Philip Reed from Ashland, OR! Thanks dude! Best of luck!
You're not the first's so strange! The number goes uo, but the person doesn't show in the "likes" section. Stupid Facebook lol!