
Previous Comments

Eric Lives Here
over 30 days ago to Signal Turns Red

Thanks for the review on "Just Got Away." Glad you liked it for the most part!

over 30 days ago to Signal Turns Red

Thanks for reviewing my song, "Not Alone". It is indeed short. It was originally written to be used behind credits or otherwise in a movie or TV. I didn't expect the entire thing to ever be used so it was intentionally shorter than a regular song. I'm glad you liked it thought!

Hey thanks for the review of my song Suicide Bomber - like the thoughts and had to check out your stuff....heavy and hard but melodic and artsy - very cool songs - look forward to hearing more from you - dig the name - STR - --aging punk rocker in the northwest woods a CT

Blind Spot
over 30 days ago to Signal Turns Red

Thanks for the positive review of our song "Thankful Oblivion".Interesting take on the vocals-most reviews give them the highest marks!Good to get some differing opinions.Checked out your tunes-sounds GREAT!

Signal Turns Red
over 30 days ago to Blind Spot

Love your low rock chugging sound!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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