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Peter, Thanks for the download! A rare occurrence for me and greatly appreciated. Bill
Thanks for your more than kind review of "Baby Said Bye, Bye". Yet another example of a tune with a mixed bag of musical influences. Not sure what genre this would fit according to the latest options...eclectic? Thanks again, Bill
Thanks for the review of "Touch Down". As with most of my stuff, finding an appropriate genre has always been a bit of a challenge. Spent too many years studying, playing, writing, and composing jazz to not have it influence what I do. There's not a big audience for jazz on Bjam and it seems if you use a few slash chords or upper extensions folks automatically put the tune in the jazz category. I wonder what BS&T or Steely Dan would be classified as here... Appreciate your comments, Bill
Stop it , you're spoiling me now ! Another great review , and a download ..... Thank you , but I don't expect anyone on here to pay to listen to my songs , although I'm obviously flattered . If you have ALEXA , I have lots of songs on there . Do you have any of your songs on any of the online music sites ?
Having a tough time with email here... Try this link for one of my songs - I wrote this for my daughter and her girlfriend. sic/driving-me-crazy sic/driving-me-crazy
Nice !
Thanks for a great review of I'VE GOT SOMETHING TO GIVE YOU ! I like to mix things up a bit , so you might find something else of mine to your liking , or not . Who knows !
Hey, Thanks for the great review of Covid Winter, much appreciated! I wanted the tune to have a kind of long dreary feel in the beginning just like the last two years. Best, George
Thanks for the excellent review of "What About My Reward" -- and by the way, that was the point of the song, to show that not all Good Samaritans are what they seem. Sometimes they're only in it for the fame and money. In the 3rd verse when the man jumps, he "prays for his soul to The Lord" but immediately asks if he gets anything for that, highlighting his hypocrisy.
Thanks for the 5 stars for TEACHING THE OLD DOG NEW TRICKS !