
Previous Comments

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago to Nolos Quinn

Happy New Everyone!! Hope all is well.

I just uploaded my latest music video, Seen And Heard. Let me know what you think. Thanks!!

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hey, Roy, hope everything is good. Quick question, for some reason I have not been receiving the licensing notifications via email. I have selected most but have not rec'd any since Jan, maybe even before. Thanks for help.


1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Nolos, Thanks for this. We get this question quite often, so thanks for asking it here. Google and other email services are constantly perfecting their products to make sure you only get the email you want. With that said, if you don't click on emails from us, it may be routed to your promos tab (Gmail) or your spam filter, unless you designate us as a desired sender. Unfortunately, the email providers don't realize this is an opt-in mechanism and our members are chosing to get these emails. So please check your filters and tabs. I will ask our CS guys to chime in tomorrow. They may have another trick or maybe some of our members could help as well. Thanks for being a member, Roy

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hey! Thanks for the spotlight on my video! Cool!!!

2 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Nolos....Thanks for being a member. All the best, Roy

Tha Insiderz
over 30 days ago

Thank You Roy

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago to Nolos Quinn

Hey! Thanks for the spotlight on my video! Cool!!!

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hello, Roy
Quick question...On license opportunities I sometimes see the words 'all in'. What do they mean?


2 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Nolos, Thanks for the good question....This means that the provider needs master recording and publishing rights in the deal. While the song is always owned by the writer/publishers, sometimes there is a different recording owned by a label/artist. In this case, the provider wants a contract with one entity for the recording and the song as well in one. If you are writing and producing your own music, then this is not an issue for you....Hope this helps....Roy

Nolos Quinn
over 30 days ago

Cool. Thanks for quick reply.

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