
Previous Comments

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Mats Dernánd

Hello Mats, Welcome to Broadjam! Thanks for the review of America's Heart. How are things in Sweden? Are you guys on lockdown? Mrs. Kate

1 Replies
Mats Dernánd
over 30 days ago

Hi Kate,
Thank you!

Swedish government have tried a slightly different strategy than most countries with less legislation and more appeals to people to take responsibilitiY. So far we are okay. My income does not come from the music itself.

Take care,


over 30 days ago to Holly Steele - The Lyric Lady

Hello, Holly, my name is Earl Thompson, I'm a songwriter. My songs can be heard on Soundcloud. I am Earl Thompson 1 on Soundcloud. I would like to collaborate with you. Listen to my songs on Soundcloud and let me know what you think. You can get in touch with me at my email address. It's, or my phone number, which is 646-597-2853

1 Replies
Mats Dernánd
over 30 days ago

Hi Holly! Listened to Beautiful Wonder. The song was also beautiful. Good Luck!

/Mats Dernánd

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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