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Hello Jordan, I truly appreciate the very favourable and constructive review you provided for my song `Dying For More'. I agree with you 100% on the various great observations and suggestions you made, and some of them are things I have been planning to implement for some time actually, I just haven't got around to it! I'll let you know when I've done a new version!
Please do! I can't wait to hear it!
Really glad to have been introduced to your music! Great work! :)
Thank you so much for your kind words and very helpful review! I will be sure to listen to your music as well!
Thanks for the insightful review of "Ice Latin" I will consider your constructive comments.You are right about the Logic synth . Be blessed.
WOW awesome sound on feel again. you have a nice touch and bring a lot of emotion to your playing and recording.. nice subdued string addition.
Thank you very much kind sir!
thanks for your review of WHEN it was great and you are right I need a solid vocalist strong and out front and that is not me im a singer song writer ... thanks for your input if you know anyone that could sing it let me know