
Previous Comments

Chris Boyden
over 30 days ago to Jonathan Eberly

Thank you for your review of Bicycle Wheels. The lyrics are available on my page. It is currently the highest rated song on my page and is getting international attention which is very exciting. I look forward to listening to your work as well. Best of luck to you.

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Jonathan Eberly

Strange Days is a ball knocked out of the park. I LOVE this. Come play in Cville!!

Tom & Mary Erangey
over 30 days ago to Jonathan Eberly

Hey Johnathan, thanks for the review on "Little Magic " I listened to your song Strange Days
very cool , good luck with it. Stay in touch
Tom Curious Grace

Jonathan Eberly
over 30 days ago to Flatsound

I really appreciate the review. Thank you.

over 30 days ago to Jonathan Eberly

Thanks for the great review of '' You Knew Just What To Do '' you seem to know what you're talking about and you have great songs on your page , well done !

2 Replies
Rodney Jensen
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your review on Crazy about me. Honestly Dude in Missouri, sure enough, girls love trucks. It's a country music thang!

calvin mcfarland
over 30 days ago

Guess I'm sposed to say thanks for the review of my song " I gotta find that number". Funny I got a 20/25 and a 38/50 on it before. Thanks Calvin
nks for the review

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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