No thanks, close this window to see you being inspired....old scool Buddy! :) Lori Roy Elkins is the cofounder of Broadjam...a great guy....glad to see you hooked up! :)
My Son Matthew Alexander Jennerjohn served for National Guard for a year. Working in Kalagush, Afganastan. He operated, loaded and defended on a team of three using the morter gun! Mathew and friends/solders of Starmont will be returning home for good on Monday at 11:30am (attentative time) at the UNI dome in Cedar Falls. We will welcome these boys with open arms of luv! He returns July 17th One of the Biggest Days Of My Life! Celebrating with all of you my happiness of life! Pix link of him is:
Great news--congrats and thanks to both of you for your service and sacrifices, Lori!
Good for you Lori. It must be a great feeling to know you'll be in the company of missed loved ones soon.
Im happy for you and your family!!!!!!!!
Your son is a hero...plain and simple. My son-in-law just got back a few months ago and my nephew is on his third deployment to Afghanistan. All these boys (and girls) deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. Hug his neck for us, tell him 'thank-you' and thank God for his safe return.
Lori, I'm glad you're getting yor baby back. Thank him for his service to our country for me and my family and welcome him home.
What a great present! Enjoy the reunion!
Thank you all soooo much and Mark you too hug that son-in-law and nephew...what strong boys and girls we have in this world. And to all of the one's whom know anyone serving for them Love and Respect for they deserve it so much! I am having a friend party dinner today to organize Matt's party tomorrow with me! I am so excited
Pass on my enire family's heart-felt thanks for his service to and for us and being an ambassador of freedom! Matt