
Previous Comments

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to Dick LeMasters

Hey Dick! Love Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me. You did an awesome job!

1 Replies
Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Dianne!! I accidentally uploaded the wrong mix ... hopefully the new mix will be up soon!

Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago to Dianne MacAdam

I like your "election season" picture!

7 Replies
Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago

Thank you!

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago

California... isn't that next to Russia?

The Spermatochords
over 30 days ago

It's true! California is connected by a coastline to Alaska, from which you can see Russia.

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago

You betcha! *wink*

Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

I guess the electricity must still be on? Good time to finish your "hurricane" song!

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago

Didn't I already? Now I have to look that one up.

Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

You probably did ... seems like I had some of your "storm" lyrics ... I probably fell down on the job. :(

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to Dick LeMasters

Crazy good lyrics there, Dick. Genius!

1 Replies
Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

They were no trouble at all. You really should take credit!

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to Dick LeMasters

Hey, watched your video for Last Time I Saw You. Great job my friend!

1 Replies
Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

You are too kind! Thanks!

Micheal Lee Collins
over 30 days ago to Dick LeMasters

Dick, I just wanted to thank you for the review of 'The Promise' You were extremely thorough and those types of reviews are the most helpful. i can't thank ya enough for the honesty. God bless

1 Replies
Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

Thanks ... I just signed up for Broadjam and trying to figure out how it all works. I did go and look at your lyric sheet just now ... they should probably include those when somebody does a review (and maybe they do, and I missed it!). Sometimes takes a few listens for me!

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to Dick LeMasters

Hey, did you re-record that? Sounds great!

1 Replies
Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago

Did that last year at a studio in Houston ... part of my solo album that will someday be slowly completed as I can pay for it. And, thanks for the compliment!

Dick LeMasters
over 30 days ago to Dianne MacAdam

Hey. Awesome songs you have here!

1 Replies
Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago

Hey there!!! Why thank you! Can't wait to hear your songs as you WILL post them soon.

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