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Hi Broadjam Buddies, Just to let you know I delighted to say that my new song "OCEAN" has made the Pop-Classic Top 10. Great news.
Delighted to see that my song "Don't Let Go" has entered the Country Traditional Top 10.
Hi All, delighted to see that my song "If I Didn't Find You" has made the Country Top Ten.
Hi BJ Buddies, I am delighted to see that my song "Some Other Day" has entered the Europe Top Ten. Happy Days.
Hi, Delighted to hear that my song "If I didn't Find you" has made the country Rock TOP 10. Great News.
Great to see my song "Some Other Day" made the Europe Top 10.
Delighter to hear that my song "Whiskey and Wine" has make the Country Cowboy Top Ten.
Delighted to see my song KINGDOM made the Folk Rock Top Ten. It portrays an important message for today and great to see people are listening.
Delighted to see my song "Some Other Day" entered the Jazz Contemporary Top 10.
Hi Denis, Thanks for the stars for Achill Lament, they're much appreciated. Kingdom is excellent, very dynamic. Good luck, Bob
Hi, Delighted to see that my song KINGDOM has entered the Folk Top Ten.
Hi, Delighted to say that my song "Some Other Day" has just entered the top Ten in Jazz Contemporary.
Dennis, Congrats Sir.... that's got to make your day!!! The Corey's.....................
Gratz Denis. It's a great feeling to know your music is appreciated by others. Good luck in your future endeavors. ~Lazy Phil
Delighted to hear that my song "KINGDOM" got an Honorable Mention for the May Song of the Month competition.
Hi Denis, Thank you for the 5 stars for The Drawing Room, they are much appreciated. Bob
Hi All, delighted to see that my song "KINGDOM" has entered the Folk Top 10 Charts. Details available at Folk Top 10 website, 1
Denis Hackett, listening to your composition, "Kingdom" gave it 5 stars & Likes! Pretty Heavy composition Sir! I agree totally with your Song description notes....Money, Technology, etc.......A Real Bit of Bad JuJu for the planet!!!!!!! Love to connect with you thru Broad Jam Buddies.......... Stay Safe The Corey's..............
Thanks for the positive comments. Yeah, we do appear to be moving towards an increasingly artificial world, hope we don't lose touch with those things that are really important.
Denis, This is a great country sound, awesome work
Dear Eve Suchy, we just heard your heart felt tune, "Tags" really enjoyed the feel and your vocal on the composition! 5 Stars & Likes! We have a Tennessee song that we would like you to hear! We would love to connect with you as Broad Jam Buddies! Hope you will consider connecting with us! Toodles, Margie & Art Corey...........
Well Done Eve on winning the Hot 100. Great Song. Denis.
Thank you!
Excellent Lyrics for "She Tried to Warn You". You got the message perfect. I wrote a song called "Kingdom" with a similar message a few years back, you might appreciate it also. Well Done.
Oh thanks! I'll have to check that out.
Hot Music 🎵 contact me to get your music on New Radio Station that reports to BDS Major Spins
Really good songs, I like don't let go,good song,
Online Radio Station We Promote artist from around the world. Send song links or mp3's to
Hi Dennis As I see you are not to far away from me, I was wondering if you would be interested in collaborating on something. Even if you are not id like to chat to you about this platform as I haven't used it before so im sure you can give me some advice Thanks In Advance Pat
sorry that should be , you can listen to past stuff ive done
Thanks for the review of Kingdom Lonnie, really like the comment "Majestic Tune". Much appreciated.
Hi Marc, thanks for the review of Golden Days, much appreciated.
Hi Jeff, thanks for the review of Golden Days. Good comments spot on.
Hi Mike, I see you're hoping to Collaborate on some songs. Can I check if you accept Lyrics only, or is the actual melody required also. I have a Lyrics that I think is perfect for today's market (Club Scene, Dancing, etc) and have a melody idea, but not documented. Is this something we could work with. Thanks, Denis Hackett.
Yes! Lyrics, melody ideas, anything. I am all over the place in genres trying anything and everything. I will protect whatever you send me and I will ask you if I want to bring someone else in with more expertise in a certain area (meaning someone with the "magic"). I can generate music ideas and you can choose what you like, such as the speed of the song (beats per minute). I will hire vocalists. Whatever it takes. No cost to you. You own 100% of what you start with and if the two of us collaborate or three of us, we will agree on sharing the rights and that creation stands as a totally separate version. If you don't like the created version, without your rights in agreement, it all ends. So you have control. (East because I'm on the East Coast by the Atlantic Ocean)
Great. I'll put some thoughts on paper about how I see the Melody fit with the Lyrics, and send you copy. We can take it from there.
Thanks Jeff for the great review of Time For Me To Say Goodbye. Best Wishes.
Hi Patrick, thanks for the positive review of "Time for Me to Say Goodbye". Much appreciated.
Hi, thanks fro the very positive review of Time To Say Goodbye. You are spot on with the John Legend reference, he and perhaps Mary J Blige are the style I was going for. Best Regards.
Hi Denis, Thanks for the very kind review of "First Light on the Prairie". Wrote it as a country solo guitar piece back in the '80's. Can't seem to let anything alone........ Bill