
Previous Comments

Craig Dodge
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes


3 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

Just woke up.......was gonna golf.......but its raining.....

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

just listened to your Survival Instinct track - Reality TV perfection. I wanted to submit to be on survivor when I listened to it.

Craig Dodge
over 30 days ago

:) Just finished a couple of new mixes. It's a pretty fun track!

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago to Paul Messina

So far I've spent close to $500.00 on licensing/contest submissions and not one consideration. I didn't think my music was that bad. I think I'm going to have to stop wasting my hard earned money.

13 Replies
Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

Hey Paul, that's a shame! you write good stuff.
One can, sad enough, almost never tell, what a provider is looking for.... Don't beat yourself up about it... Your music just hasn't been presented to the right provider yet.... For me it's a first see then believe situation.... had a few considerations that ended nowhere (and that's with most considerations... so far all the songs that have been condidered for opportunities that I submitted to, wich where like 20 or so... not one consideration, wich were all other artists, has lead to a placement, all dead ends)
"the consideration process has now ended, thank you for your participation" and that's it.
Have on placement this year, ac does he, although the episode that it will be used for will be shown this fall....
wait and see.... I first want to see the revenue on my bank acount and then I will believe it....
I think along with the BJ membership fee I am also near the 500 dollar spent.

over 30 days ago

Hey Paul, I've had 3 considerations & spent about $200.00.So far no placements. Its almost like playing the lottery to me. I don't take it personal. Its like a shot in the dark sometimes. I bought a book called "Shortcuts to Songwriting for Film & TV" by Robin Frederick. It kind of helped me in my pitching ability. Paul your music is great. Maybe we need a better place to pitch our music or a personal publisher.

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

I think alot of these sites (Taxi, Broadjam) etc are just a giant lottery ticket, that rarely cashes in. The good thing about them is they keep you focussed on your goals even if they arent necessarily realized by the people your pitching too. I've written stuff for Taxi that got rejected and then ended up on NBS Prime time with a nice paycheck and royalties to boot just by sending the song to another publisher, who happened to like it. I use the listings to keep me working and improving, I don't put much stock in the actuality of getting some big deal through the sites.

I of course could be wrong.

"Even God cannot keep the diligent worker down" - Confuscious.

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

lottery ticket - I like that analogy. because, so many (of us) are banking on becoming the "ONE" that hits the jackpot (or, at least makes a living). but, unlike the lottery, we have the opportunity to narrow those odds by 'learning the trade'.

licensing: this is rarefied territory that we can't buy at the convenience store. not a crapshoot if we know the odds, follow the trends, track who is successful, understand why they are successful, imagine provider soundboards including scene plot versus time restraint.

even then, given this 'professional knowledge', we are still players in a percentile game. 2% at best (and, I believe I am being generous) will find placement. so, what does it take? $500, $5000, heart and soul, second born. your guess is as good as mine because THAT GAME changes everyday.

here's what I do know - I LOVE MUSIC. . .
not just mine; but, so much of what I hear amongst these member pages. no wonder the providers have such a 'Hard Time'

The Spermatochords
over 30 days ago

Paul, the quality of your music has nothing to do with selection by some provider. It's all about meeting some demographic (usually very young and brainless). Don't take it personally. You are one hell of a sax player. For what it's worth, the biggest difference between licensing and winning a lottery is the cash prize. With most lotteries, the prize is in the millions. If your song is chosen by some "provider", you're looking at $100 - $2500. Moral of the story...PGO is correct. Keep doing it for love and you won't regret the lack of monetary reward.

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

You are so correct!! When you play Jazz or Jazz/Fusion you have to do it because you love it.

Teddy Chazz
over 30 days ago

Hey Paul! Don't get depressed...just save your money and send your stuff to's a better way I think. I used to submit and spent alot of money, ( I don't think my stuff is that bad, but u decide) but got absolutely nowhere on this site. Not one interest...The providers don't give us enough detailed info as to what they're looking for...and the only ones making money is broadjam...they don't care. So save your money...use a publisher! A lot less money and better odds! (You'll learn most of the businesses on the net are good for only one thing...taking your money!)

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago

Teddy, you are so right. I do like this site and appreciate the feed back and the review capabilities but not the "Opportunities". I've met some wonderful musicians on this site.

Vibe Addiction EnT.
over 30 days ago

Well now that I see all the complains, I can take my money somewhere else! Wont catch me slipping!

over 30 days ago

Let's be honest people this site as well as others are for independant publishers and very few a list placements... I've landed a placement on here but the publisher only used the music for his library and then placed the music in a independant film with no cue sheet or any indication to what song he placed in the film which makes me question weather or not i was placed at all... but the feed back and the community is great... I've come to one relization and this is from 14 years of production and artist development experience... The Good Music Directors i.e. the ones that place music in blockbuster movies and shows have a list of pre approved music that they go to. to get on that list there are several things that you have to do before you are even on the radar... I love what a friend of mine once told me it's gonna take (i forget the actual number) a # of no's before you get to the yes so take each no as another step closer to the yes... things turn around when you change your point of view... keep up the hard work

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Paul visiting your page I'm seeing this thread late. I am SO skeptical about the "placement" services of BJ and Taxi. Of course if 200 people submit to an opportunity only one gets the nod and the odds are low. There's no question about the quality of your music, and if the match of music to posting is close then you should get something out of it at some point. What I think is sorely missing is more transparency in the submission process. If an "opportunity" is actually working with Broadjam in earnest then they should provide some feedback on any submission, eg "We liked it but we needed a more bebop jazz than contemporary," etc., but then again if the placement description is done well in the first place there shouldn't be too much guesswork about suitability. But as it is it's a total black box: money goes in and "Sorry try your luck again" comes out. I did this one time here and said PHOOEY. I'd love to believe that this is an earnest brokerage that tries to connect people to opportunities, but I think the real opportunity is that of cashing in on hopeful musicians, who are always driven to make and expose their music.

I think the good part about this is having critiques like the one I got from you this morning, and hearing the music of other committed and talented people like you. The guys drumming in an African village 200 years ago did because doing it was good. I think we all need to stick with that.


Teddy Chazz
over 30 days ago

Jeff...I think you're spot on right!! It's a crapshoot!! The only one really making $$ is broadjam...which is why the opportunities are 'vague'...they don't care. Anyway...I've got some tunes on here and would sure appreciate a few reviews if anyone one this thread cares to listen and let me know what u of luck!

Teddy Chazz

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago

Hey Paul, I paid for a few considerations but stopped after thinking someone is making a lot of money and the production companies are getting original music on the cheap. Must sound like sour grapes, but I now realise that they are only looking for perfect studio quality demo's. I cannot come close to anything like that good, and cannot afford to employ any of the pro's who plug their services on here. Ho hum! Good luck bro!

Hey Floris - just listening to "Circles" Cool tune - I like the groove when it kick in at 0:30 alot! Good stuff!

1 Replies
Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

Hey Chris,
thanks. Another "first" for me, this tune. Need to keep challenging myself. Am now mixing and mastering the song. soon it's finished (with some small changes) glad you liked it! (you can always give me your honost opinion.... so if there's a song that you may not like, you can say so :) I am rational and know that not all the tunes I write (or have written) are (that) good. don't get me wrong, I like a compliment just as much as someone else, but I only like to get one when it's deserved :) thanks for listening to my song!

Hey Chris, Holy war,.... holy $#%@ :) reminds me of Tim Burton, really magical, Fantastical, dramatical... great start for (i e) a farytail style movie. nice!

2 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

Thanks man it was a ton of work I had to program each line one bu one and print the choir as I wrote the parts but Im really happy with it Im gled you liked it!

Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

I think we both know how much work it takes to create a piece like that, even if just a couple of minutes length. Many people underestimate that.

over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Hi Chris,
Thanks for your kind review of 'Splendor Serpent', I appreciate your comments. I also enjoyed listening to a few of your compositions.
Thank you again.

Hey Chris,

Been listening to your electronic stuff....
seems like we are both interested in the same things :P
(then again I also do pop, funk, rock etc.... is that a genre you write too?)
Shuffle pulse.... what have you used for that track?
Is that massive? or reason (full version.....)
I haven't got that many options for my electronic stuff atm. My Options: Reason adapted for digidesign (small version), Xpand2 (protools) and Evolve. although I am restricted to this software for now (first, revenue... then more software) I do try to create the best electronic that I can with it.
it's also something to grow into.... get better at, learn the basics with the basics and then master it fully (grab it by the balls) and explore!
I do feel that with my current library, it's difficult the create a more modern electronic sound (dance, trance, etc)
I do hear that in your sound....
Also great stuff with chill pill! ( is that storm drum?)

2 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago


Shuffle Pulse is a combination of Reason (Full Version) as well as Evolve Massive and Absynth, possible some FM8 too if I remember correctly.

For Electronic stuff, I really like Reason - its good for alot of stuff, I usually rewire it through PT and use my other stuff along with it. I do alot of sidechaining and other stuff, from within Reason its alot easier to do that as you have the console style interface, so for me its alot easier to do the electronic pulses etc.

You might want to grow your electronic library a bit if its something your interested in - The Native Instruments Synths are quite good and Reason is awesome (and cheap).

I write in alot of styles, but I try to focus on the electronic and Orchestral stuff as I feel its what I do best. I also do alot of lighter piano stuff for one of my publishers I recently started working with.

I only use storm drum in big orchestral stuff like trailers, although Im sure it can be used for lighter stuff. I only have a piece of my catalogue on Broadjam I have about 80 songs in it and over the years Ive found sounds I like that work for me so I often go straight to those sounds and start tweeking them. Stormdrum is great though alot of stuff in there to play with.

Hope this helps - keep in touch!

Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

hey Chris, Thanks@ that helps a lot.
Reason will be the next software package. but then again, I also like Omnisphere (you know that one?) I'd really like to get started on some Dubstep electronic.... but all in due time :) thanks for the insight and inspiration!

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to Tory DeSean

Hey Tory

Thanks so much for the review of my Trailer Piece - "To War" I'm very flattered by your comments. Keep in touch and I hope you have great success with your music!

mark grueser
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for taking the time to review my song "dreams" I really appreciate your input Chris.


Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to fuller

Thanks for the review of To War - We seem to be running into each other more and more 8)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Yes, such is the beast. Computer algorithms seem to give you the same people over n over then poof, a new set of common listenings appear. As long as your getting useful responses from me then im happy. If its NOT usefull please let me know!
Take care

John Forster
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for the review, Chris. Yes, it's an edit, and is written to a brief that calls for telling a whole story in :30. It's really too specific to leave up for reviews so I'll disable the "open for reviews" feature.

1 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

You should link me the full version - Id like to hear it.

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to John Forster


Thanks for the review of my Track "The Guardian" its on of my older pieces and the sounds are a bit dated - but its also one of my favorites - Im really glad you liked it and I hope you have great success with your music - keep in touch


1 Replies
John Forster
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome. I checked out some of your trailer heroics and enjoyed it all! I also just saw your gear list post--pretty much what I'm using, too, though I haven't dipped into the E/W Voices of Passion yet. I'm impressed with how you're making it all do your bidding :-)

over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

wow you've got great sounds, is this home studio? keep doing what your doing, its great fun to listen too!

1 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago


Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to fuller


Thanks for the great review of my song "Mugshotz" I really appreciate your comments! Keep in touch and I hope you have great success with your music!

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to Roy Hughes

Hey Roy

Thanks so much for your review of my Trailer Piece "Finish the Game" I really appreciate the kind words. I hope you have great success with your music.


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Roy,

Thanks for your very fair review of Ireland's Eye. The lead instrument is/are the uelliean pipes, an Irish bagpipe played with bellows and keys. Very haunting sound.
Thanks again,

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

hi Chris, thanx for your comments on my piano backing track to I'm Taking Care of Me, this also does have a full band version, as well as a vocal, by the same name, you yep, you're right on with your comments...BTW my producer is in Ontario Canada and so was the piano player!! cheers Warren Hein

Craig Dodge
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for the listen :)

1 Replies
Chris Howes
over 30 days ago

its a kewl tune

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to Arthur Sharp


Thanks for the nice review of "Autumns End". I really appreciate your comments and good luck with your music!

Richard Bullock
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for the great review...listened to some of your music...fantastic arrangements.

Richard Bullock
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for the nice comments. I wasn't aware of the begining stutter...thanks. also liked your stuff..very full and rich on "The Guardian".

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to Earle Brown

Hey Man

Thanks for your review of my song "Kings shall rise"! I really appreciate it. Good luck with your music!

Chris Howes

Chris Howes
over 30 days ago to Electroma

Hey Man

Thanks for the review of Laser Trip!! Its always to connect with fellow composers, looking forward to checking out some of your stuff! Good Luck with your Music!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank You. I would love to hear more of your music.

Richard Bullock
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Thanks for the great review. The dissadance was intended for a movie scene, Appreciate your comments.

Nick Berry
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Chris - Thank you for your review of my instrumental track, "Been Down This Road," I really appreciate the feedback. Being relatively new to putting my music out in this type of format, any feedback is welcomed. The song actually does have lyrics associated with it, but I have featured the instrumental track also. Best of luck with your own musical endeavors and thanks again ~ Nick.

Justin Wildridge
over 30 days ago to Chris Howes

Chris, thank you for your review of "Remembering". You will of course have realized that this is not a 'live' performance and the natural subtlies of a live performance are not fully captured here: never the less I hope it will serve adequately a musical cue or underscore.
I look forward to having the opportunity to enjoy your work.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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