
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Chipper Bancroft


Hi this is Chipper Bancroft. I wrote "It's Clear To Me" and I just got a notice that you would like to be notified when I have new material. Thank you sincerely. Having said that I think your "Pagan Love Song" is brilliant. You just can't help but have amazing visual thoughts when listening to it. Love it. Cheers!

1 Replies
Missy M / MJAM Music
over 30 days ago

Thanks! Cheers back!

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago to Chipper Bancroft

Hey! Glad you finally posted your song.

6 Replies
Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago

Thanks. Still trying to get it setup. Hope you are doing well!

Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago

Yea. How to I post my lyrics under my song like you did? I also wanted to give you credit for the music and signing it give credit to Frank for the production.

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

So when you're on the main screen there is a list of options on the left hand side, starts with Music Licensing, Premium Pitches, 1/3 of the way down there is the Songs option, that will be your song. From there you can Edit the song. If you Edit just keep scrolling down and you'll see where you can type your lyrics and give credits. Hope this makes sense :)

Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago

Thx. I have the free "Mini" membership. Is that what you have? Else what do you have? Have you ever submitted a song?

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

Yes I've submitted a few times, Blackhearted cowboy got 'selected' but never heard anything after that. Yes I just have the mini membership. The peer reviews are pretty cool. I think it's in the same section in that list, you review other people's stuff and you get your song reviewed. It's nice getting constructive comments, and hearing all the music that's out there

Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago

Great. I added my lyrics and credits. I've got some more editing to do.

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago to Chipper Bancroft

Hi Chip! I was having a hard time finding your profile, I just noticed the message you left me :)

1 Replies
Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago

I just added my song. I need to figure out how to edit it to add you and Frank and the lyrics. I haven't anything in my profile yet.

Chipper Bancroft
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

This just keeps getting better every time I listen to it. I feel asleep to it and woke up to it.

Thank you so much for helping me with my music endeavor !

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