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over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Roy- I need some tips for promoting. My songs only have under 19 plays since I started Broadjam and I want to get widely known. Any tips for spreading my music? I don't want to constantly spam, but I don't want to just sit there and let everything go to waste. I have a song on my profile I'm sure everybody would like, called "This Is What Love Sounds Like" I really want it or "Be Jealous" to head to the top of the rap charts! But with no plays, that's pretty impossible. Just if you have any tips or want to listen, comment back please. Thank you


22 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Skidzz, Thanks for the good question. On any website, including Broadjam, promotion is key to song plays. The best way to increase traffic on Broadjam is to connect with others artists, stream their music, participate in the blogs, enter the contests (some are free) and leave comments for others. Each of these steps put your name and image on another page on the website and will increase traffic to yours. If no one knows about you, then visitor traffic will be limited. I listened to your two songs and suggest you connect to some of the great rappers/producers/writers on Broadjam. Dee Wone, T-Bone, Charlie Mac, B Rob, etc. You never know what might happen when you make a new connection. ......Hope this helps and best of luck, Roy

over 30 days ago

Thanks. It did.

Amanda Lamb
over 30 days ago

Skidzz, thanks for asking that question because I'm pretty new to Broadjam and haven't quite figured out my way around yet either! And Roy, thanks as always for the information!! I plan to put some of those tips in action because so far I've just been submitting to sync opportunities but I'd love to get more involved in the "community" here:)

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

A tip of friendly advice while participating in blogs Skidzz.

1. Remain neutral. Under no circumstance are you to focus on potential problems or point out obvious shortcomings that may draw attention to negative PR. For every bump in the road for one said artist... That very same bump makes for smooth sailing with another... The important thing to remember is if you ever see a tipped scale, is that each member is here with the very same goals as yourself... To be heard... To be noticed... And to be appreciated for what they bring to the table... Mozart or not.

2. Grease the wheels... Nobody is interested in a negative critic. People have put their hopes and dreams into this obsession we all know as music. If some one is a member here... chances are is they feel they have something to offer. Regardless of your opinion on the matter... Offer nothing but support for their cause. Anything less will create enemies to your own cause. Denial is a powerful enemy to us all... Don't underestimate the loathing you'll inspire for pointing out obvious facts or projecting potential falsehoods. Keep them to yourself... Stay positive.

3. Remain humble. The second you even hint that you may have more to offer than another artist, fact or fiction... You make yourself a target for anyone that takes offense to that, which will be anyone who can't offer what you're selling mind you, cause yes... they joined this site for a reason too... The reality of your skill set doesn't matter when it comes to a peer vote or politics. Its "all" politics and no one likes being looked down on... People watch what happens in the blogs and often judge without looking between the lines as many could choose to. If they perceive you as a threat to their own success or even feel like you'll prolong it... They'll destroy you with their votes if you compete here. Remain positive... Offer nothing short of support regardless of your perspective on that "about to be mentioned 90%"... Cause their vote counts too.

4. Offer assistance and useful feedback "always". Everyone wants to make it in this business... Fact is, its a 10% business... and that means 90% of the people reading this rant aren't gonna make it in this business no matter how many hot cars are parked in their driveway. Unfortunately... A poser'c vote will count just as much as a professional's vote on this website. Don't blow it off.

What I have found is that there is strength in numbers... Align yourself with collaborators and fans that have common goals and the same expectations as yourself... Hone your craft... and more to the point... Help others do the same. In unity you'll find strength. Especially here... As rocky as this site can be with lofty reviews and inconceivable verdicts when it comes to the voting system... The sense of community found here can be profound if you let it.

5. Don't respond to negative energy or personalities. This isn't high school... Its worst. People in this business are intelligent, passionate, and often emotional... Don't become prey to a bored mind's bait. See your goal... Focus on your goal... And ignore the white noise in the background... It didn't exist yesterday... And it doesn't need to exist today. Push forward always. If its not for you it doesn't exist... Don't respond to it as if it did.

6. Genius will always be challenged by mediocre minds. Under no circumstances are you to allow yourself to sink to their level. Apologize for offending said person if you must... And walk away. This is the internet. Don't feel the need to react to every idiot with an IP.

7. If some guy by the name of Protilius gives you advice... Realize it comes from the experience of doing "all" the wrong things previously... And its happened to many others before him. Don't make the same mistakes. Focus on your goals... Focus on the music... Focus on the positive... Because in the end... Its the only thing that will help you reach your goals.

Everything else... Is background noise. Just be respectful... and take every "Review," every "submission score," and every "personality" you find here... with a grain of salt and two shots of Scotch.

If you chose to blog, review, or comment here... Just do yourself a favor and keep in mind that this isn't just about your dream... It is, or... Used to be... About all of our dreams.

A mistake I made long ago was "not realizing that."

You want more plays? Realize people want to be noticed... They want to be appreciated... and they just want to be respected for what they bring to the table. They're not all rockstars... But surely they all have strengths to be focused on.

Start there... Because your plays don't start with you. They start with your fans.

Just saying...

Good luck... I hope this is useful to you.

A very bitter and angry industrial producer:

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

Ps... This is coming from an artist that almost broke 50,000 plays on this website alone... and deleted it all for the sake of simply starting over after making a lot of mistakes...

Just ask Roy. Good luck again. Stay positive and keep reviewing. You'll get your plays:)

Buc Williams
over 30 days ago

A lot of good info!

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

That was amazing. You hit the nail on the head with a heavy hammer but gentle enough without bending it. You actually straightened it up completely. It's an advice to all of us!

Keep them coming and God bless!

Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

Hey Protilius,

Great advice!

over 30 days ago

That was very good advice protillus.

over 30 days ago

High praise for your advice, humility, and willingness to share. Your words are in my archive for current and future reference. Keep on steppin' Skidzz.

Dennis Logan
over 30 days ago

Broadjam has helped me get a lot of attention and plays by doing peer reviews. I have had several number one songs on the broadjam folk rock chart and help sell a lot of copies of my album. I have been with BJ for several years and peer reviews really help you. Including myspace plays I have over 250,000 plays and starting a spring tour. Peer reviews tell you how your music can be fine tuned and get people to listen. Dennis Logan

over 30 days ago

right on!

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks for all the comments. You guys are truly what makes this community tick. And thanks so much Protilius, as always, you rock.... Skiddz, there are several people here you can connect to immediately. Many of these have hundreds of connections, so you are on your way.
Here are few tips that we post every so often.....Best of luck.
1.) Get involved in reviewing. Top 10s on Broadjam provide good exposure and to qualify for them, reviewing is required. Also, listening and reviewing makes our ears keener and exposes us to other writing and producing styles. Therefore, improving our skills as writers.
2.) Connect to like artists and others as well. Not only doesn't if give you more exposure to them, your photo is on their profile and you are in touch with any updates they post. It seems that the most successful on Broadjam have hundreds of connections. I'm sure it's not true across the board, but it certainly doesn't hurt to add another connection.
3.) Listen to a lot of music. Every time you listen to a song, a link is sent to the notification page of your connections and this provides more exposure for you.
4.) Update your profile regularly as it will send notifications as well. Add a new song, photo, bio or update your news. We recommend doing this weekly.
5.) Get involved in contests, especially the 6-Pack which will begin soon. It brings lots of exposure to the participants and many friendships and collaborations have come out of this.
6.) If you have an interesting thought, contribute to the blogs. Lots of folks read and it's likely you will find others with similar thoughts.
7.) Use the comments section of Broadjam as a tool for announcements to your contact list. I wouldn't overuse it, but it is an effective way to communicate with your connections (and theirs).
8.) There are lots of other things, such as music licensing, contests, hosting, etc., that you use on the site as well. Some of these cost money, however all of the above doesn't cost anything. Put a plan together with the above tasks and update weekly, monthly, etc. It's extremely important to update your profiles regularly, not only on Broadjam, but every site that you are on.
9.) The most important thing one can do, on Broadjam or any other site, is collaborate with other artists. If you write songs with 50 other writers, you now have 50 other people pushing your music and increasing your exposure. If you look at the Top 10 songs at anytime in history, it's rare to find a song that was written by just one person. It has happened, but the greatest songs have come from songwriting teams. From a technical perspective, your name is now appearing in more search results and you therefore have more relevance to the search engines (not a huge point, but important enough to note.) More importantly, it makes us all stretch when we write with someone new.

Big Meet
over 30 days ago

Good 411! Thanks all!

over 30 days ago

What a great thread. Thanks for all the terrific insight!

Marty Rigby
over 30 days ago

Wow! Thank you Skidzz for prompting this conversation! And thanks Protillus and Roy for some truly positive, helpful advice. The first few steps into the digital realm of music and promotion is overwhelming to say the least. I feel like I have a better set of tools for focusing on a positive shared experience.

over 30 days ago

This was very helpful for me in me moving forward with my mission. I hope we all can achieve our goals and continue uplifting one another. Thanks!

over 30 days ago

Thanks for all the advise, its a real eye openner and helps out alot, thanks again

Love this site, the talent is amazing here, I am proud to be a member and, another one of mine (kelly myers) and Jose Hendrix's songs just made the Latin Rock top 10 again - we have THREE on the top 10 list - thanks to those who are supporting us. I look forward to connecting to you too. 1

over 30 days ago

I would say use some of the social websites, too , to promote your music. Most everyone these days has a Facebook account(or other social site). Copy and paste your songs up on your profile once in awhile- let your friends know about your music- they'll be impressed to see what you're doing. Hopefully this will generate more plays as your network "grows".

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Everyone, Thanks for your contributions to this thread. Getting connected with others is key on any site, including Broadjam.....Best of luck, Roy

Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago

(Response to Protilius) Very well said my friend, there a lots of folks out there that can learn much from your post. I remember I was pretty rude in a review I did of one of N.Jones' songs :) I learned a lot from that.. I learned that music is NOT a competition, its a gift, and we should help each other the best we can to promote it. Thank you ALL for your support and inspiration, I'm proud to be a part of this community! ---Austin

over 30 days ago to BallBeatz

Back on the grind. Lets get it!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

What's up Ballbeatz!

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Clean Clean

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