William Cronin

William Cronin


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William Cronin
over 30 days ago to John & Geri

Hi J&G , just listened to ""little do you know" and i must say i miss good songs like this , beautiful melody , you have to stay and listen its got a tempo like a heartbeat , 60s vibe , i can hear it in my head now... super job. And i appreciate you having a listen to my song and the stars , thank you.

Regards William

Lyfe Concierge Publishing , thank you for the endorsement for Guitar Acoustic , i appreciate you taking the time to notice what i do. I certainly have noticed your work ethic and persistence showing up , your activity is a credit to you.
Best of everything in 2024 to you
Regards William

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You're welcome William, It's are pleasure!
Thank you for the kind words!
LC Team

Hi Frank really appreciate you having a listen to the songs and the stars , and the add to your playlist , its motivation fuel for the soul to know a track has connected with someone.

Hi William,
Thank you for the 5-Star Rating of "Mom's Journey Home". That one has a very special meaning and back-story in the song description.

I appreciate you taking the time to listen to it and rating it... so glad you liked it.

I'll check out some of your music while I'm here.

Be and stay well,

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to Ravensong

Hi Ravensong thank you for taking time to listen , really appreciate the stars for "One" have a great weekend .

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey William great song thanks for sharing it.

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi, William. You may be in Portugal by now. I would love to see the coast of Portugal and the city of Lisbon. Thank you very much for your comment! I always enjoy being side by side with my friends on the charts. The charts and contests always seem to be a good, if loose, kind of guage on our songs. So...are you in the hills or on the coast of Portugal? John

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

John great to see you at no 1 with " just another weekend " delighted for you , we sit side by side , you deserve the spot , it's good for the writer in us.
Chat soon ,
I'm off to Portugal next week to feel the sun and a break.
Regards William.

1 Replies
John Walradt
over 30 days ago

Hi, William. You may be in Portugal by now. I would love to see the coast of Portugal and the city of Lisbon. Thank you very much for your comment! I always enjoy being side by side with my friends on the charts. The charts and contests always seem to be a good, if loose, kind of guage on our songs. So...are you in the hills or on the coast of Portugal? John

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi, William. Congratulations, you are in the Earth Top 10. I have a screen shot in case you missed. But then, it may...and should...climb higher.

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

John thank you for the 5 Stars for " Thinking about you "you are a great listener , very generous with your time , also thanks for listening to the podcast .

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi, William. I listened tot the rest of the podcast. You really touched on some simple yet profound ideas that I'm not sure the interviewers really picked up on in their "takeaways." Reaching for pure honesty and truth, as you put so well as your tip to songwriters, is really what the journey is about. She mentioned "cryptic" and he asked, to paraphrase, if you hid your feelings behind being cryptic. I think it's reaching and really searching for the words that really get the core feeling, the core truth, across. I find I must look for those words that really describe what I want the listener to understand. But the challenge, too, is to write it in a way that has that "something"...poetic, eloquence, pure truth, in an irresistible way...not always easy to pinpoint it. And it does get down to something simple, yet goes deep. Let's see...what is the most satisfying part of finishing a song? I think it's having created something that gets what I wanted to say across, and wonderfully well! It's that feeling of "I really did it. That says it. It's just right!" You really put across a very good interview...more introspective and what the spirit of creativity really is. I have to touch on vulnerability with you sometime because there is really a different sort of society rules about what you should write about, how much to reveal, between over here on this side of the Atlantic and the European side. There also seem to be rules within the genres, too. I'm not one to follow the rules, either. I really believe in being true to what I want to say. Thank you for the link and sharing your story! Oh, before I forget, my thoughts on collaboration. I love it when writing with Robert Quigley as he often has such similar thoughts to mine. I also have melodies where I think another person would be able to put their insight, their experience, into it. In a sense, it may be their song told through my melody that would touch what they were feeling to where the words could form and spill out. It could wind up being something that makes me say, "It's what I experience, too, and you did it so well!" Personal freedom without restrictions in creating is something I believe in as well. Well, back to it! John

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

I hope you don't mind my commenting as I go along with your interview. It brings up my own experiences and I like your insights. I think critiques and criticisms are very much the wild card. I have to listen closely, if something clicks, it's true. I have some stories that cover the spectrum of good insightful criticism (not always what you want to hear, but insights that make a difference, that make sense) to utter nonsense or actually having my personality and personal demeanor attacked.
Songs that are in the works or taking years to write...I'm very much a melody person. The terrific catchy tunes hit me almost instantly, which I think is what Elton John meant when it's there or it's not. Those are the ones I'll keep. Sometimes I have to wait for the melody itself to tell me what its name is. I have to wait for the feel of it to finally let me know. Two that I really had to wait for was "Equal!," and "You Can Feel It." I wrote the melodies to both in 1979 but it wasn't until 2021 (Equal!) and 2022 (You Can Feel It) that I finished the songs. "Equal!" is personal as it comes from a life with autism, but I wrote the words to be universal. "You Can Feel It" is a Bee Gees style of song, like "You Should Be Dancing." I wrote the lyrics part way but because I couldn't imagine how the story would unfold. So I called on Robert Quigley who finished the lyrics and he did a really great job! It's at https://www.broadjam.com/songs/John WalradtandRobertQuigley/you-can-fee l-it
I really find your interview to be interesting. More later! John

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

John thank you for listening, your passion for the craft is phenomenal, I love to hear the journey of songs like starting songs in 1979 and they land in 2021 that's some journey. But there was always something there you didnt throw away , the gut instinct said no your a keeper ... brilliant
Have a great weekend

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Very interesting about "reaction." I noticed, too, it is uncontrollable...how people connect to a song. When I wrote "We Didn't Have Time Enough" in 1976, I thought it was just another song. I was really surprised and puzzled at how people connected to it. A couple of years ago, I re-recorded it with Liv on vocals and it went to #1 Earth. Ah, off topic a bit, but speaking of horrible reviews, one of the funniest I got was someone who seriously marked the song down, saying, "One should never give oneself away without expecting something in return!" I'm at 15 minutes into your interview. I'm taking it in chunks. I'll listen some more. You really have some insightful things to say! John

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

I'm listening to the podcast. I often thought of playing an established artist's songs a waste of time as well, unless out of curiosity. I hated it when people told me, "Well, you don't sing it like Neil Young!" So I would perform my own songs in front of people. Except, I have a horrible voice! Hmm, yes, I sometimes hear a song and the chords will be a springboard for me to write a song. Listening some more here...

2 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

John I'm really delighted your having a listen, when I started out I intended to get all my songs recorded by vocalists because I knew my vocal was not at the level I needed, but it transpired the authenticty and emotion was not there with the pros even though the vocalists were top class. What I've learnt over time is if you can give true emotion , give your all , be vulnerable the listener will forgive your vocal because they felt something in your song, it took years and I'm still working on it . It has improved to the point it gets over the line and fits the genre . I think we all poses that version in us it's a balance between singing and giving .
Chat soon again John .

John Walradt
over 30 days ago

I'd say you're right about that. Your vocals have such sincere honesty and it comes through. I do have my own vocals on "Studly Do-Right" which fits the humor I put into it, but also on my original "Stay Here Now" which is at the bottom of my song list. I used to have them on "The Most of Nothing" and "We Didn't Have Time Enough" but I replaced those. Interestingly, perhaps it's just the nature of pop songs, but only one person really got the emotional impact of "Stay Here Now" with my vocals, but otherwise it went nowhere. When I released it with Clay Collins on it, it was like cotton candy with beautiful harmonies and it went #1 Earth. I loved what he did but I wondered what if I could have had the raw emotional punch in it as well. I never mentioned that to anyone. Now on "We Didn't Have Time Enough," I just could not sing it well, and I was very delighted with what Liv did. I think she was really able to put her feelings into it. Same with Liliia, who did "Raindrop Soul." But you're right, there are more times when professional singers just don't get it across. Case in point: I really prefer Warren Hein's "Graveyard Shift" with his own vocals than the pro vocal version. His own vocals are high and thin, but they really carry the working class person in an all night diner. The pro he uses for his commercial version sings it like he's looking at a postcard! It's a toss-up for me, balancing my love of genuine songs the way that you do it and my love of writing pop songs. There are those who do both masterfully, like Paul Simon, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Just heard "In A Perfect World"!
In your usual inimitable style!
Again top marks!
I reckon you are a Poet with a Romantic leaning!
Easy on the senses and Deeply in your zone!
Well done William!
How's life doing?

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Jim my friend how are you, thank you for the listen and the stars , its funny on broadjam some weeks are stagnet and the next thing your no #1 in 3 , categories. A poet with a romantic leaning ahh yes... me alright ... a few months ago I was sick out of love , sick of the love songs , wanted a new style and a good friend who I really respect said no never change its who you are , and bang just like that I was back and wrote a good few new songs in my style, it's who we are like our fingerprints , there is a Jim Aitken style, Beatles style, Paul Simon style, I guess the trick is to a better version of ourselves every time, I just needed reminding.
Thanks Jim for the contact , hope your keeping well .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Your "Love in a Song" is a cracker William! The superb violin fairly heightens it at the right moment!
Another classic, but I still love "Jupiter"! It is in my head!
Easy five stars!

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

William, I really like it that you write introspective songs like "Worn Out World" and "Before it's Time." You touch on how there are things in life that just don't make sense, how it makes us weary, and of regret. Your stanzas build up those feelings up to poignant choruses that really catch it. Really good songwriting! I could imagine "Worn Out World" as the last song on an album. John

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

John your so good to absorb a song , I do like to catch the wave of emotion and try to stay on that wave as natural as possible ,a bit like when you hit your finger with a hammer , what comes out your mouth comes without control .I have a podcast that I did lately john with songsmith, link below .

Listen to Songsmith Podcast - William interview on #SoundCloud
Thank you for everything John.

Susan Odella
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Thanks, William, for the stars on "The Northwestern" - appreciated!

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

John thank you so much for all the Stars , it raises the spirit and keeps the writer in us on our feet , I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to listen.
Warm regards William

3 Replies
John Walradt
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, William. Besides getting on your feet, you ought to be able to fly. I try to listen every so often and there's times when something really "hits" that's not only written very well, but also has that "something." I'll mention you in my news this weekend (not that I get many visitors). A few others who write beautifully but are also very friendly: Jeana Potthoff ("Bright Skies Ahead," "Dora's Lullaby"), Robert Quigley ("The Place That We Know," "Give Me Rain"), Warren Hein ("Graveyard Shift," "Letter to the Lord"), Scott Jordan who goes by Ravensong ("Ride the Rails," "Renfield's Dream), Bob Bentley ("Back to a Younger Me,""Rolling On"). Best to you, William. Anytime you'd like to talk about songwriting, drop on by. My influences have been Stephen Stills, Richard Carpenter, David Gates. John

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

John my friend when i see my name in the same sentence as Paul Simon and Bon Iver as a reference of Style , you really have set fireworks off in my brain because for me Paul is at the peak of that alternative folk sound and lyrics , so much more than a thank you , i really appreciate good people like yourself on Broadjam willing the music forward .
John im loving " We didn't have time enough" that Vocalist Liv Clark has such an honest sincere vocal , superb. I was thinking that song could also be categorized in Alternative folk in has the vibe . Also " Far from Home " superb production , smooth on the ears and so much going on but so well balanced , very enjoyable, at 2.13 is a spot i could really see used in film and TV , like a man heading to a new life down the highway and pulling into a new city or town in the fade.
The warmest regards

John Walradt
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much, William. Those compliments from you are golden and I'm not just saying that. "We Didn't Have Time Enough," "Far From Home," "Sunny Sunday," "The Most of Nothing," and "Down East in a Harbor Town," all came from from the time I drove all over America by myself in a VW bus when I was 21, and was autobiographical although I made up some stories to go along with them. "We Didn't Have Time Enough" (yes, could be alt folk!) was closest to my own experience in upstate New York while visiting Bard College in November of 1976. Liv is from the east coast of Britain and she did such beautiful vocals. Martin Rodriguez from Buenos Aires played the guitar. Liliia, on "Raindrop Soul," is from Kyiv. I found several of these on FiveRR and Airgigs, who charge modest prices. Your song, "One," is stunning! I love beautiful melodies, which "One" has, and how it fills the lyrics. Just a beautiful song! Your lyrics are much like brush strokes that paint a story which is like listening to a Paul Simon song. Simon writes in that way and he has that everyman vocal that really compliments what he writes. You share that ability in that your vocals are not commercially pristine and perfect, and why would anyone want that in folk songs that are meant to have the personal touch? Instead, like Paul Simon, and Bon Ivor, you have something that the everyday person can identify with, unvarnished in a pleasing way yet still has that intimate "something" that is unique. Your songwriting carries depth and poetry about the everyday experiences and chores of life. Anyway, a friendship request coming next! Your friend, John

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi, William. You write gentle, beautiful songs that would be as if Mike Scott performed "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her" by Paul Simon. But your songs clearly have your style and stamp on them, plus a beauty, and honest feelings done with poetry that the world needs to hear amongst the unsettled anger going on these days, especially here in America. I just listened to "Jupiter" and "Deep Went Love." I'll be sure to listen to more. John

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Hi William, thx for the nice stars on Magic of Music (R&B). Keep up your good songwriting!

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Randall you are somthing very special , delighted your getting the recognition for your craft .Congrats on "Frostbite Heart " Randall, when someone in the circle wins we all win , the dream becomes real , have a brilliant 2023 and your off to a great start.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Can't get Jupiter out of my head.
William do you mind me sharing Jupiter (place your Broadjam Link) with friends I have in a music sharing and commenting group?
It is called "Reinventing the wheel - The Music Barn".

It is too good a song to hide away! Interesting to hear what they would say about it!
Up to you!

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Absolutely Jim , I'm chuffed it has grabbed you attention, it was also the first song I signed with expressiveartists so it will be forever a special one for me , thanks again Jim, I must check out that group.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Oh man, Jupiter is again, as good as the last time I listened!
Don't know why, but I don't seem to have rewarded it any Stars the last time: Sorted now!
Again I reiterate, I hope you are not just singing to yourself and good lady!
You should be performing and sharing your talent!
Jupiter has a catchy melody which suits the slow speed of the song!
Again, it is so.......... Good!

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim , your good for the soul to keep the fire lit.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

William your, "Deep Went Love" I listened to before and it is still as superbly enchanting! Really, really, really lovely! Your accompaniment was just perfect!
Your singing Reminds me a bit of Jeff Buckley, who sang a beautiful version of my hero's song (Leonard Cohen), "Hallelujah" before his untimely and early passing!
If you are not doing Gigs, you should be!
You have a very likeable vocal sound.
I can imagine you playing in an evening restaurant whilst couples had a romantic meal!
Performing a mixture of covers and your own music.
Will listen to more!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Yip, def deserves five stars!

1 Replies
William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jim , yes "One" was from a loan of a guitar where the action was very low so i started picking that melody and the song was born , they say every guitar has a song in them , its very true . loving your instrumentals behind your songs , lifts the emotion to a new level .Drift away is a special song , i loved that the first time i heard it , nice phrasing also. My daw i use is mixcraft and Reaper ... im a dabbler getting a touch better every song can be very time consuming and frustrating best advice ....small changes, trust your ears, walk away come back again. for me the songs that would be worth a listen "Deep went love" and Jupiter. Jupiter for me was a turning point where people reacted to a song in a positive way .
Have a lovely Christmas Jim , continued success in all you do, you have a special writing skill , very touching .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

"One" was very peaceful! A new venture for you?
Sat back with eyes closed and waited for the climax I could see was coming in the music graph below.
Have you been using the Daw for some time?
I am going to get one and work on creating my own music!
A friend has offered to get me started.
Just need a better pc first.
Which of your songs do you recommend! I will have a listen.
Warm family Christmas to you!
Of my songs, I recommend, "I See Her Dancing" (Tim) and "Drift Away Video"

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Congrats for your special mention re: magic of music!

30 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx. I guess that means it was runner up. Have you heard anything from Tindebix or for that matters from any placements from Broadjam "selected"?

I have not.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I think you got an Honourable Mention! (HM)
We are always the bridesmaid and not the bride!
No, I have heard nothing from any company which selected my music!
It is supposed to be six months before any cash made goes to your PRO!
The system stinks as far as I'm concerned!
You are charged for the right to submit your work, you are seen publicly to be selected, you hand over your "Unique and Precious Creation", you are not consulted forthwith about its Future, Use nor amount it has earned!: If any!
Taking your product and not keeping you informed is poor!
There are artists being selected often here, so surely they must be seeing returns?
For all we know, our music could be getting used in far off places in Playlists, but we are like mushrooms!
They keep us in the dark, and keep shovelling shit on us!

over 30 days ago

Jim & Randall :this is a good point - I want to comment:

1. Pure Royalty or "Gratis" placements - the Royalties take up to 18 months to ever appear...meanwhile the person who has your song may be getting an upfront fee for it of which you get - you guessed it nothing...unless they offer you a share under a contract.

2. If your song is selected as one of mine was it does not mean you have to accept a "Gratis" contract...

3. Sometimes there is no contract offered - you are advised to deal with your PRO or wait for Royalties only..the thing is under this agreement - you have no cues sheets or any way of knowing who has used your song and you have to do all the admin work to track the song down and find cue sheets to get your Pro to pay you..because if they do not get the Cue sheets they will not know who used your song? therefore you will never get Royalties at all...

4. I think a bona fide library who contracts your track is great they promote and rep your song and share the placement fee with you..I think it's a better way to go..

5. We all need to value our Art...if you will never know who used your work as it is not reported to you then how can you understand where your music is being used and keep writing great tracks for similar uses? Potentially there are emerging mechanisms to track where your songs are used..guess what these will also cost you..but embedding Meta Data and tracki g it a great way to go...

Hmm I wonder if we are all better realising that so called "Gratis" placements unless they come with the relevant information shared about your songs usage and who. has used it are not worth our time...

Exposure can be great..but we all need to be careful that we are not handing a song over in perpetuity for someone to make great money on which we will potentially not ever see a return on?

There are many issues to watch out for but overall I think Broadjam does a great job offering opportunities it's the details in a contract that need to be well considered - or the lack of them?



Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mx!
Transparency is badly needed!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Well said and explained M man!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx for this info Mx. we, or at least I, i'm trying to find out if anyone on Broadjam has actually made any money with any of their songs selected.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

I used to ask that once a year to all my contacts, starting in about '12 and through '16 or so--and the answers were virtually all the same...nothing.
I did have one of the great ladies here say she did get a placement several years back from PMG I believe, but then Bjam stopped saying who the providers were...or something like that...I think because the providers had too many attempts at direct contact...but not totally sure, it was awhile ago...
Good luck! I'm contemplating adios when my tenure is done, after spending 1000s on opportunities since '08...and I refuse to believe I'm not good enough...my problem is, I never give up hope...

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx Warren. What about the "success stories" they put up on BJ? I would have to think those are real, right? They put up examples of actual broad gym members that I've gotten placements.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Boy oh boy, Warren, you are certainly good enough!
Your quality is held in high esteem here I assure you.
You are one of those who set the benchmark for music here!
Is there any way of finding out how much genuine success our fellow artists have had on here? A single message to all!
The guy "Rabbit" seems to be successful!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I did finally get 2 songs "forwarded" with another music placement outfit. I had been sending them stuff for over a year and all were returned primarily due to songs not sounding "contemporary" or "modern" enough. I finally got 2 forwarded and supposedly after 30 days I should hear more. I don't know what the chances are but will keep y'all informed esp if something comes of it. Not holding my breath, been let down too many times

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Well, to answer the question of how many successes in those success stories, I do not know...Roy Elkins has some clues we were told, but he himself (and I'm paraphrasing here...) said even Bjam doesn't know when there are many successes, as WE don't tell them, and frankly with the backend PROs (ASCAP, BMI, ETC) sometimes payment comes many months or even years later...however, the facts I'm aware of from my queries is that few of the folks here have had much if any success, even when "selected"...as many of the selected are than up against others, and often are not the "right fit..."
Of course I'm not fully educated in this business--or I may have quit a long time ago LOL...
...and Jim Aitken, you have made my day my friend. I have noticed you have given me such high marks, I think I even joked to you once I NEED YOU AS MY SONG PITCHER!! Thank you for your words sir, they mean a lot to me.
Peace and naiveté,

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Interesting info Warren. The "success stories" I have seen refer to placements and even reference the show they are placed with. So I would have to assume some $ was made. I think the batch I recall was about a year or so ago and Doug Diamond had gotten the placements if memory serves. Anyway what's the difference between a large pepperoni pizza and a musician? The pizza feeds a family of four.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Good one Randall! Well I will reserve comment on Mr. Diamond for many reasons.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Yes I think you had mentioned that to me before. Lol

over 30 days ago

Great discussion everyone! lol! who stole my Pizza? dang it was Gourmet Pepperoni as well!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Randall, Doug Diamond has heard all my songs and never selected them for submission so I will never submit to him again!
If I have pitched what I think are my best songs to what seems like an ideal opportunity to no avail, I say I do not want to use them again!
Maybe "cutting my nose to spite my face" but they don't deserve me in the future!
I am in Musicxray which is similar to Broadjam and
Ray Hamilton, CEO of Merf Music Group, Nashville, requested my best three songs to evaluate if my Lyric writing is good enough for use.
He says my lyrical pictures and melodies are good and that I have a natural writing style leaning towards writing a radio hit!
He wants to know more about my intentions and my end game plans!
I'm obviously not interested in tying myself to a writing desk.
I think his company, songplacementpros.com are looking for songs for specific artists (and placements).
Warren and you should maybe look them up!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I think I will check into those others. I did get a contract through Diamond that he pitched they offered me non exclusive contact and I signed, after a musician friend who's an attorney looked it over. It's not Doug's company but one he pitches apparently. I have not heard anything further. It is library I believe.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Exactly what I did Randall w/a placement referral from Mr. Diamond, I signed a document non exclusive but have not heard a thing--and nothing since I emailed them asking what's up...
Jim--thanks so much for the tip, I'll look into it!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

D Diamond also took my "Uilleann Promise" for his library but , nothing!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

He must have pitched it to a company that has the library. I don't think Doug himself has library. I could be wrong.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

I think that's correct--and he doesn't guarantee a placement after passing it on...basically hands off--after collecting whatever $$ we've given. Right or wrong, that's how it works with at least him... my placement was for "airport play" in airports all over the world-- well after giving the company (again has not responded after initial sign up) all my info, zero...I've seen no backend ASCAP, nor anything else.
Just the facts ma'am...

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I have submitted the same songs to the same providers unwittingly.
If I knew they had been refused by a company or individual, I would not have resubmitted them and wasted money in the process.

over 30 days ago

There are only a limited number of providers on Broadjam..sometimes songs need to fit a mood or a scene quite specifically...which I can understand. There is also a place to give feedback to providers on each opportunity...today I saw a comment form one opportunity that said "none of the compositions received were good enough" - that was a bit sad...

There is way better technology for Libraries where they can potentially upgrade and then ensure we all get actual information about our songs as they are used..hopefully this will happen soon...as I am sure it will make us all feel more confident with the opportunities we put songs forward for... This tech would just email you that a Library Client has downloaded your song for use in a specific media type. Here's hoping this happens! broadjam is certainly a great example of really good communication from the site its awesome!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

The Technology to earmark or fingerprint each individual song play is here, so it could be used to inform us of a songs use anywhere, anytime, with associated payment!
I suppose companies prefer not to use it! Why?

over 30 days ago

Good question...

William Cronin
over 30 days ago

Great conversation going here , looking for hope between the lines and i am not seeing much. Im thinking if the music providers keep coming back posting listings , going to the bother of listening to 100 + more songs, communicating contracts , registering songs , surely they must be finding songs for placements on broad jam. I would have assumed some of the people on this thread were deep in placements so its an eye opener to think we are all in the waiting room , i cant tell you how excited i was after my first contract , but like what has been said nothing has been picked up.
i would ask if anyone reading this has had a placement from broad jam , could you inform us on your story/time line etc.
we need something to grab on to.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

RANDALL something is wrong, I keep getting notification of a message from you, but NO new messages-- 15+ day before yesterday, same yesterday and more today, can you tell Bjam something is wrong-- I do like your messages LOL, but new ones..,

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Oh no you found out my secret. I am not really a songwriter. I only joined Broadjam to find people to stalk!

Joking! All kidding aside, I have not been messsging you. I'll try to have them look into it. Lmk if it continues pls. Thx.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Thanks, no stalkers in my life so far-- but there's always time LOL...

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Well JUST got 5 more-- I'll stop posting but seems not to matter...

David James
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Thank you for the 5* for 'Mesmerise Me' William. Much appreciated. David.

William Cronin
over 30 days ago to Ante Novaselic

Hi Ante , thanks for the great review , it so happens it was selected by a publisher a week ago , i feel very grateful to the muse that its making an impact, that was not always the case for many years (no placements yet!!!!!) . I see in your Bio you have had lots of placements , i can hear why your music is faultless , "wild west spaghetti" on my ears right now , superb!!! thanks again Ante

1 Replies
Ante Novaselic
over 30 days ago

William that is excellent news, man. Congrats on the selection!! And hopefully many more to come without the long wait of course.
First off, thank you for listening to my attempt at a spaghetti western and for the complement. Much appreciated!! I don't know how long you've been trying your hand at sync licensing, but it's been just over 5.5 years for me with 3+ of those years being bone dry. Not a single placement! Believe me I was about to throw in the towel because I felt hopeless about it, especially the amount of competition one has to go against is disheartening. Luckily my wife and 5 year old daughter didn't let me do it, and shortly after we had the talk I landed my first placement, and fortunately the first one was a pretty decent one and then I started getting more of them. Its getting that first one that seems to be the hardest for most people.
Keep at it William don't give up. You have good stuff!

Hi, William. You're much welcome on our review for "One." I often will use female vocals on my songs as does Robert. We have our own pages as well (John Walradt, Original Quigley). I listened to a few more of your songs. They have lovely gentle melodies which compliment your poetic lyrics. You're like a minstrel with the poetic ability to take the words to romantic depths or the romantic ethereal. Your treatment of songs with minimal instrumentation is a very nice touch. I could also see your songs being picked up by other performers and use orchestration on them. Anyway...very, very good songwriting, William. John

R&J thanks for such a great review of "One" , and interestingly the feedback for the light female vocal addition is now been repeated to me , so i will take heed of your advice and add to the track .
Many Thanks , have a great week .

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