
Previous Comments

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Issac Taylor

Fake account with spam link, reported.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Rowan White

Fake account, reported.

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

'For Better Times' - real sweet stuff going on there

15 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks Joshua, good luck with your music.

Mike L.

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

thanks Mike as well. I have a personal playlist on Spotify with all of my all-time #1's songs (of any genre)...'for better times' is now on there. I'm pretty selective with what songs go on that particular playlist. There are so many good modern solo piano pieces out there now, but if one listens to a lot of them like I do, they sometimes tend to sound similar. I'm always listening for that something extra that jumps out at me. The descending melody especially did it for me on this one.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi again, I'm genuinely flattered, thanks again. It's interesting, several years ago there seemed to be a shortage of 'emotional piano' pieces now the internet is flooded with them. I kept listening to many of them (still do). I was almost disappointed that I couldnt capture the same sound with my tracks, but along the way I seem to have created something just a little different, it may not be quite as commercial as some but I feel much happier with my work now, I write much quicker without the procrastination. There are mistakes in 'For Better Times' when the chorus starts, (I use the term loosely as I prefer a more gut feeling approach to when a piece of music should go somewhere different) it repeats the phrase 3 times I think, but each time I started I played something a little different from intended, then picked it up correctly on the second and third repeat. It took me such a long time get the feel I was after I think I'd had enough and was actually really happy with the result, so I left it at that. All my tracks have similar quirks that would baffle a professional, I kind of like that!

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago, I feel I'm pretty much in the same boat you are with regards to approach. I'm by no means a polished classical, jazz, or even modern pianist, but I try to write and play with emotion. And usually the best stuff comes out when we're not necessarily trying to 'write' a song. I also love hearing little human like mistakes in songs...makes it so real and less produced. Was that a real piano you used on that track? I loved the sound quality as well.

For what it's worth...3 other modern piano solo pieces that I recently discovered and keep repeating play are:

'Quiet Children' by Eluvium (Matthew Cooper)

'Fahrtwind' by Piano Melancoila (Carl Juergen Emert)

...and my favorite

'The Snow is Melting' by Ben Crosland

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi, I'll take a listen to those. It wasnt a real piano, that album was done with 'Noire' Vst by Native Instruments which is a sampled 9' concert grand used by Nils Frahms, operated via my Kawai MP7 stage piano. I do sometimes record the Kawai on its own as it has a lovely piano tone, but find Noire very flexible and inspirational, adding the felt dampening noise and other effects is very easy, plus I always get the playing experience I like with the Kawai's piano action. Obviously Noire runs in my recording software Cakewalk Bandlab, totally free to download by the way, been using it for years.

My aim is to eventually rig an upright piano with mics in my home studio, but to be honest that brings many other problems not only with sound treatment but expensive mics and also the fact you can't edit playing mistakes out, as you're working with audio instead of Midi, which I find incredibly easy to edit. Sound quality has taken me a while to perfect, I'm still working on improvements! Writing, playing and recording are one thing but mixing and mastering another, taken me a long time to learn the art for sure, I used to write a track in a few days, record it but then spend 3 months messing with the mix, even the album on spotify I wasnt completely pleased witht the quality, I just thought, ' look, I need to finish this to my best standard at this particular time otherwise it'll take another 3 years before I release it', once I had that clear in my head I quickly polished each track and clicked the send button, overall I was pleased with the result. I am now working on the second album which should be released around Christmas, it's much different but with all my piano quirks still in there but this time all of the tracks have strings, either solo cello or larger ensembles. This was challenging but will be a proud moment for me to complete. I just finished 'Demeter', have a listen on here if you get a moment, it's really a cello piece with a more traditional piano tone, still from Noire though

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

you're quite a humble fellow...yes, mastering & mixing are new skills for me as well...there's so much that can go into it....overwhelming at times...I'll for sure take a listen to 'Demeter'...not sure what your ultimate goal is with your music, if it's just sync or not, but I would consider submitting your pieces to various Spotify playlists. There are plenty of 'calm' piano playlists out there with lots of followers. It might help get you more exposure (if that's what you're going for). The success rate is low, like 10-20%, but I've been added to 3 out of about 50 that I submitted to. (which surprised me...considering my songs kind of fit the genre, but not as closely as your piano style would)...just a thought / encouragement

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I guess I am humble lol. I feel comfortable with mastering now, comfortable that there will always be more to learn, there have been many 'sliding door' moments when it suddenly clicked, I guess they'll be more, I like to keep improving, thats my 'goal'. I have signed a few contracts for sync licensing, I'm in a few libraries and get quarterly payments for tracks used in retail networks, shopping malls and even an airport or two apparently, this is wonderful but ultimately I'm aiming higher, I would really like a placements in TV and/or Film, aim for the treetop and reach to first bow, aim for the moon and reach the tree top, they say!. I take on board the idea of playlists, I'm probably not working the whole media thing ever so well, I have to remind myself that I'm a farmer, thats my profession, 7th generation, no pressure lol! I'm working from 5am through to 8pm harvesting onions right now, it's extremely hot here and its not for the faint hearted, ultimately this takes priority, but I still find the time to arrange music in my head even when busy.

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

Well...congrats on the sync contracts.
I was added to one library with 3 songs, but I don't think they have landed anywhere yet. My personal goal is to land at least one 'big' placement. I still love writing & creating regardless of any money attached. Farming is no joke. Lots of hard work for sure. I live in the midwest (USA) surrounded by plenty of farms and am friends with many farmers. My day job is in heath care, 2 kids 12 & 10...I squeeze in music some nights when I can. Still need to listen to your tune.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Well done also. I'm dubious about some of these ' music industry professionals' I've had a few run ins with them on various sites, they can prey on our enthusiasm. I'm supposedly in several labraries, I did check one online and found my track right there so some of them are legit for sure. Yeah that big placement would be nice, like you, the money is not the driver, despite being a farmer, creating music is the essence of me I'm sure. Go and listen to Demeter! lol.

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

Finally listened to 'Demeter' Nice job. Love the cello melody (is that a real cello?)..especially the staccato part against the Db in the bass.
I'm playing along with it on my piano

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Wonderful you are playing along! Thanks for the feedback, it's the sound of a sampled cello in Abbey Roads studio one, so it is the sound of a real cello, but in reality it's the software instrument triggered from my playing the Kawai stage piano, my son plays the cello so I have taken note of the different articulations which I can reproduce, hopefully. The software (Abbey Roads Two, Iconic Strings) is by Spitfire Audio, I have many other makes of cello software but this is by far the most realistic. I think Demeter is one of my personel favourites, although it's differcult to catergorize into a genre, neo-classical, new age? I have no idea lol.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the download Joshua, just finished a new track 'Once In A While', have a listen if you get the time cheers. Mike.

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

No problem.

...listening now...key of Eb (one of my favorites to play and write in)
love the you count that in 4? it has a 6/8 feel, but more like 8/8?...anyway you're making me think on the meter...this piece sounds like Bruce Hornsby at times (one of my favorite piano players / composers)

nice job

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi, never really though about the time signature! It's in 4/4, my slightly 'swung' piano style probably gives the feeling of something else going on. Interestingly I sent a copy to Stuart Epps for a critique on another site, (of course he's touting for work on Music Xray, a slightly dubious site at best in my opinion yet has it uses. First thing he said was, ''yep, Bruce Hornsby''! Can't tell you how many years I spent trying to learn the piano solo in The Way It Is. I've submitted for several opps on this site son we'll see how they like it, personally I was very pleased with the result, which is rare!

Joshua J. Urban
over 30 days ago

yes...the song has a serious 'the way it is' vibe in there.
I've also heard from some pretty reliable sources that Music X-ray can be shady. I've never used them, though

over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

Hey Mike, congrats on your selection of "Queen of Hearts" - it's a great tune!

1 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks Diane,one of those tunes that just worked from the start!


Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Natalee Borisenko

Thanks so much for the five stars you gave my track 'Elysian Fields'. My song list contains another version with pizzicato strings if you get time to listen.


2 Replies
Natalee Borisenko
over 30 days ago

Hi Mike,
Yeap, I listened to all your works, they are amazing!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I don't know what to say.....thank you so much! I don't think anyone has ever listened to more than 2 or 3 of my tracks at a time, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed them and I'm sure you feel how much passion I put into them, it's wonderful to be able to share that. Thanks again Natalee. Mike.

rada neal
over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

nice piece Mike:)

1 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Many thanks Rada.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Erick McNerney

Hi Erick, thanks so much for the 5 stars, I love your work, I wish I'd written Emotional Piano! What do you use for Piano sound, I'm guessing you have a nice collection of vst pianos?

2 Replies
Erick McNerney
over 30 days ago

Hey, thanks! I'm flattered to hear that :)
I think we always hear others music as better than our own in some ways - because we are so familiar with our own aesthetic. Maybe it's like listening to ourselves talk? haha Because some of yours hit me in a similar way as you describe Emotional Piano!
I've got a few piano vst lol But I do like some of the free ones. To be honest I cannot remember which one I used for that one. But judging by when I wrote it (about 5 years ago or so) it was probably one of the UVI Piano Collection ones - (I think I was partial to the fazioli or steinway they recorded.) They aren't the best pianos, but they are pretty decent for the price. So it was probably one of those. Lately I've been using the Native Instrument ones (including Unicorda at times), and XLN's Addictive Keys.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I must admit we definitely have a few tracks in the same ball park. I have a UVI vst also, and all the Native ones too, my go to has been Noire for a while, but Cinesamples Cinepiano suits my classical stuff.

Erick McNerney
over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

Hey Mike!
Thanks for the likes :)
I had a quick listen to some of your music. Really great stuff, and some of it even reminds me of my own pieces lol
That name is familiar to me (not just from the American version of The Office).
Did you by chance purchase a sample library from Beautiful Void Audio (my company)?
Just curious ;)
Well, thanks again and cheers!

1 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I had to add the L, pinched from my son Louis, I don't even have a middle name but there are so many Mike Scott musicians! I thinks I did purchase from BVA yes, small world lol. I've been experimenting with samples but prefer to do it myself really. I'm looking to write some meditative tracks, like the ones you had selected recently, just wondered what evolving pads vst you used, or perhaps samples?

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

Congrats on your selected song "Quinto Intervallo"!

1 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jeana!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Mike L Scott

Hi Michael--thanks for the 5-stars as well! Your pieces have a great sound. You play with feeling and tempo in a way that gives a lot of emotion.

1 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, always a bonus to receive comments from a fellow pianist, I could listen to your tracks all day long!

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Very flattered by your generous song review on "Mes Series B" Jeana. Thank you!

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, Thierry. Your work stands alone as excellent!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the 5 stars Jeana, love your work very much, lovely playing.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to rob colley

Hi, Rob, we've both been selected for the 'classical' opp, just listening to some of your tracks, very diverse Rob, great skill and musicianship, awesome.


2 Replies
rob colley
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Michael, nice to hear from you. I have just listened to some of your music too, and enjoyed it all.... particularly liked C breeze,

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi Rob, C breeze is from my very early days, I was heading down the route of jazz/funk and blues but needs must, I need commercial tracks that get work so I've gone for a style I can make very convincing such as piano and light orchestration, luckily I enjoy playing any style.

Get all 10 DJ STEVE FRANCIS releases available on Bandcamp and save 25%.

Buy Digital Discography £75 GBP or more (25% OFF) /

3 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi Steve, do the original artists get a royalty share of your covers? How does it work?

over 30 days ago

Hi mates when I'm making these albums I actually buy them from mcps for the licence once I've paid for that it's probably only $6 there and that song in your currency I paid to make 50 CDs and when I put them on Bandcamp their licence covers their side of sewing it's a simple System and works pretty well a lot of people around the world wrong Bandcamp

over 30 days ago

hi all my songs are free or whatever fans want to pay on Bandcamp enjoy :)

Hi Steve thanks for the connection, pray tell why 18 albums? Most people find one hard enough! Do you have any original works I can listen to? I really enjoyed your interpretation of some of those classics btw. Mike.

7 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi mate thanks for the liking yes anm v luck I can just record and play no tricks just me and a keyboard no multi tracking and no midi all me.. So wonce I have 10 songs for that typ of style for that album I want if covers I register them with mcps in London and paid the license design the covers for 50 cds and send of the makers plus the mp3 file I add on Bandcamp my selling dowlods site. See the link, for me own songs if you go to me Bandcamp site look for the album THE BEST OF STEVE FRANCIS
and tracks are my own enjoy steve ðŸ'Š

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago

I don't streem any of my songs making them exclusive
Only sell on Bandcamp it brilliant ðŸ'

over 30 days ago /

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Very good, Steve, if you have time, maybe have a listen to my tracks, I played in band for 25 years, and did a spell of solo piano work too. Each of my tracks takes several weeks from idea to master, not as fast as you! But then I'm a farmer so have limited time. I only record my own compositions now.

over 30 days ago

hi mate nice music v good sound smooth :)

over 30 days ago

hi all my songs are free or whatever fans want to pay on Bandcamp enjoy 112 songs :)

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Many thanks for adding my track to Founder CLASSICAL, Mike.

4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

No problem Michael. Excellent work!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Wonderful site Roy, really helping my music career. (I'm actually a full time farmer and fit this in around 12 hour days! So it's nice to have a site that works efficiently compared with others I've used.) Mike.

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Michael, I just moved closer to town recently after living on a farm for 17 years. I miss the planting season and watching the corn come in. Two of our former neighbors still farm our land and I miss them as well. In fact, I am heading out there today to 'walk the land'.....Thank you not only for your great music, but for being a farmer. I have great respect for everyone who works the land....I am going to send a private email and introduce you to a very good friend of mine who is an amazing musician and farmer like you....All the best to you, Roy

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi Roy, message received! I'll give him a shout, very thoughtful of you, thanks. Glad to hear you have a connection with the land, as a farmer I can see most of the world has lost this important 'connection', everybody should at least get the chance to stand in a field very early in the morning and take it all in, bird song, animals going about their business etc, very powerful. I think in the present climate we are getting more thanks usual, around here everyone is stuck in doors whilst we work in the fields around them, they are seeing how much effort is required, but we're just doing our job we were born for. Music keeps me sane to be honest, thanks again for you time, stay safe. Mike.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Agnieszka4271214

I'll be looking out for new tracks from you, love what you are doing, I see you play cello and piano, I have just finished a new track called ' Louis Theme' , duet with these instruments, both vst instruments but would love any feedback if you have time. Mike.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Sure. Would you mind to send me a link to this track, please? I will then have a listen this eve. Thank you Agnes

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi, It should be here on Broadjam but still pending for some reason. Try my reverbnation page - cott/song/31572264-louis-theme.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Thanks so much for giving my track 'Impulso' 5 starts. I see you have been successful with placements and have much experience, this gives me a lot of encouragement! Mike Scott.

7 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

My pleasure! It is a great track! Wonderful vibe and perfect for many media use situations! Please feel free to ask if you need advice on anything. Hopefully it will be something I've personally dealt with before! David

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thank so much for getting back, I really struggle to find anyone for help, like you I've been around the live circuit a while, (don't know whether you ever bumped into my music teacher and mentor Nigel Portass? An amazing session player, played with Tom Jones, Gene Vincent, Little Richard, Chuck Berry). Anyway, I've been submitting tracks for about 5 years now and it's been tough but I'm good at listening to advice and making a little progress, I've signed about 4 contracts for licensing, and managed to grab the interest of a couple of decent supervisor, I've also turned down publishing deal because of the wording although I don't think the label new themselves what they had written, I get all my contracts checked over- do you have anything I need to look out for regarding contracts? I've starting doing more orchestration with my piano tracks, I'm in 2 minds whether I'm wasting my time for film/TV work, solo piano seems to be all the rage right now and so much easier to get 'authentic' with vst's, what do you think? Thanks for listening.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Michael, I know what you mean about the complicated and varied wording of contracts. I gave up paying for a solicitor to look at them because every contract can be changed and that's even more money for a solicitor/lawyer (I have over 900 tracks out there). If you stick to nonexclusive contracts you will be fine. Which also means you can have the same track in 10 different libraries (one of them is going to make you some money!). It is a hard slog but worth it in the long run. Film/media etc. It is definitely the way forward (kids don't want to pay for music anymore they just download it for free but you always get paid when your track is in a reality show or film). It's taken me 10 years to start making a living. A lot of people give up before then! Luckily I'm not a quitter and quite stubborn at times (lol). Yes I gave up chasing the record deal and finally woke up! Media is the way forward!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi David, seems I chose the same path as you, 5 years in and things are more positive now, just noticed I have the Broadjam Earth No. 1 spot! Have a listen to Night Out, that's the one this record label went crazy for a distribution deal but I turned it down, gut feeling I was right. I only have about 20 tracks but I'm always working on a tune, I'm actually a Farmer so get little time for composing. This job has taught me resilience amongst other things, I will keep at it.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for giving 'Night Out' 5 stars David!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

You definitely know how to create a nice underscore with your piano playing. You mentioned about the record label wanting to release "Night Out" but you declined. Could this label get your music into films and adverts? I have had to let a few tracks go exclusively in the past but managed to have them insert a clause that gave me the track back after 2 years if no placements were met? Maybe you could do something like that? Seems a shame to miss out on this deal. Some people think I'm silly not having my music agreements run by a solicitor but I would have had to spend thousands of pounds and for people like you and me it isn't worth it! Bedsides, I've weighed up the pros & cons if someone tried to rip me off (as they do from time to time) it doesn't really matter. The track is making money elsewhere under a different tittle. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it! For you It must be difficult running a farm and trying to write tracks. I often keep my music under 2 minutes so I get a lot more writing done that way? I said I've got over 900 tracks out there but come to think of it, this includes the alternative versions as well, so it probably only adds up to 400 tracks with only about 40 of them being used at any one time! Not great but getting better. To think just 1 track placed as a theme tune or commercial can earn you a living for a while!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your comments, I really feel like my writing has become easier now I know what these guys are after, as a blues and rock and roll pianist its natural to want to show off one's talent and cram it all in, but like a lot of people I soon found out that no good for media work! Definitely settled down now to doing tracks like 'Night Out', I'm really comfortable with it and seriously enjoy playing these tracks, now I have enough different moods with my tracks for all sorts of placements I'm concentrating new tracks one at a time, it is very difficult to juggle with my work for sure, but find when I get a new tune going, it's a work when it evolves whilst humming in my head, almost like it sorts itself out, the time I get back to my keyboard I'm ready to play a few more bars. The contract was sent to the Guild of International Songwriters and Composers. They have a guy that pretty hot on the legal side and I just pay the subscription, they do my copyrights as well. I got the label to change it twice but they still wanted the first refusal on all new tracks with a 30 day period for yes/no. It was essentially a non-exclusive contract but had some wording in it that was too restrictive for me, I'm pretty sure the label over complicated the wording and didn't really understand what they had written themselves, I didn't want to waste anymore time on it so we went separate ways, I'm aware I may have lost an opportunity, but being a farmer has taught me to trust my instincts. Interesting you mention keeping tracks fairly short, this is something I need to do know to progress and build up tracks quickly, most of my work to date is still really me playing what I want and not fully 'media friendly'. So I need to be king to myself and keep 'em shorter and more usable. I had a guy I was pitching to for years suddenly email me a few weeks back, wanted a track for a 'super hero' film coming up, sounds really big with a very large payout so fingers crossed. They just wanted any kind of music to play on a radio in the film, I'm not holding my breath but it would be amazing to get this one of course!

Michael...really love your sound. Are you on Spotify?

12 Replies
Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi there, thanks, I'll be checking your music shortly! I've not distributed on any platforms yet, as I'm mainly trying for film and tv, as things are going quite well I will be compiling an album, should be out by March hopefully. Mike.

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Sounds good. I'm in the same boat as you. Trying to improve after first few albums were released. All the best to you and your efforts.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hey there, just going through your tracks, you've done a nice mix of tracks, 'Why Violet Happens Every Day' is a great tune. Do you use piano vsts's? If so which is your go to?

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't used any vst's yet. Everything I've used so far was direct sounds from a Yamaha Motif XF8 (which is pretty antiquated these days). Before I begin any new recordings, I definitely need to upgrade my piano sound selection. Do you have any suggestions / favorites?

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I think if you are aiming for film/tv, vst's are the way to go if you don't have access to a real piano. I'm using 'Noire' by galaxy instruments, sold by Native Instruments, these sort of vst's are designed to be used for professional scoring, and cinematic sounds and have tons of different patches and settings. Also the Ravenscroft 275 vst piano is truly stunning on it's own. I will say that your Motif sounds very good though.

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Thanks Michael for the suggestions. Do you use any other specific vst's for strings, percussion, etc...?

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

I use native instruments session string 2 pro, pizzicatos are good, if I had the money and hard drive space I'd go for Spitfire Audio stuff everytime though, btw, they do some very good free vsts they call 'labs'. Worth a look there for sure. For cello's I use cinesamples Tina Guo cello, it's amazing, all their stuff is great, including the pianos. Just a thought back to earlier, I used a piano vst called 'midnight grand, very cinematic with some synth pads you can introduce to give some atmosphere, was about 60 dollars last time I looked. I have done some jazz in the past with drums, always use Superior drummer 3, an basses from Ample. I have a Reverbnation account under Mike L Scott, you can here more of my tracks there. What D.A.W. are you using.?

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll definitely look into those. Believe it or not, my DAW has been my Motif. I had someone master everything. Once I have the funds, I will be buying / using Digital Performer and getting some better sounds all around. I'll for sure be checking out more of your tracks.

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Michael...what DAW do you use? have you had better luck with one over the other? Considering pro tools vs MOTU digital performer. Thanks

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi again, I use Cakewalk by Bandlab, totally free with regular updates, I used it before the company went broke and Bandlab took it over, I shifted to Cubase for about a year but went back to cakewalk as this free version is more advanced than my payed version! Never looked back, I love it, of course they all do the same job, if you get on with one then stick with it.

Some Such Assembly5129350
over 30 days ago

Ok thanks just got onto reverbnation...will check out your other works.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

many thanks!

Michael...really love your sound. Are you on Spotify?

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