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Hey guys, just uploaded my newest song Runaway. Very proud of this one! Everything came together well. Special thanks to Chris Banks for all the killer instrumentation and Byron Long for a cool background harmony and great mixing and engineering. Please sample as much as you like. Rock On!
Hey guys, I just released a new version of my new song Runaway. I changed the arrangement and worked with a new producer (Chris Banks) and a familiar face (Byron Long - Fuse) to finish and release Runaway Mach II. I am excited at the end result. I think this song may be the best I've ever done and the first song that sounds exactly how I envisioned it sounding in my head. So please feel free to sample as much as you like. Rock On!
Hey guys, I've got a new writing project called MG Blue. Just loaded the picture for the album cover. Also just finished the first song for the project. It's called Runaway. Look for it to be available for online streaming soon!
Hey all... got a new album in the works. Collaborating with my good friend Byro to form a new band FUSE! Want to know what it sounds like? Funny you should ask.. Check out the top three songs on this page.. and Voila! You will get your answer... More great stuff to come and the album should be out this year.... Thanks for your support! Merlo
Brand New, The Rise and The Fall and Silver In My Heart are just some of the sounds that will be sure to light your FUSE!!
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for listening to and liking my song "Can You Feel My Heart!" Really appreciate your support. Merlo