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Live performance - 1 8PM CST - Thurs. June 27, 2013 Maria Elena Sanchez

My song "I'm On Top of the World" has been nominated for the May 2013 Akademia Music Awards in the category of Singer-Songwriter. I'm really excited for this honor.

Awards Day is May 15, 2013 - visit to view winners and final results.
Take care.

Maria Elena Sanchez

The Akademia Music Awards | Awarding Excellence in Music

I happy to be here at and hope to be able to network with as many people as possible.

Wishing you the best . . . Maria Elena Sanchez

1 Replies
Jose Santacruz
over 30 days ago

I apologize for not responding sooner. Have not checked this page in quite some time. Glad to meet you and look forward to the future. Peace and God bless!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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