Born in N.C. in the swampy water of the Haw River and was struck by lightning as a small child. The thunderstruck kid couldn't speak for years so music became his guiding force. At age 16 he wandered into a small pawn shop in south Fla. and was mirculously healed when " that thar Silvertone hollowbody spoke to me " and he began to wail!! He hid out in a swampy woodshed where OCD and social anxiety made him a recluse. After a few years he was said to have been visited in a vision by the Shaman of the Banshee who told him to spread the word of rock'n'roll but don't let the devil get your soul boy!
And thus the joyous noise of CHARLIE ECHO was born of
lost innocence, fast cars, and blisters of the heart.
Press Info
easy on the starch
get out ring around the collar
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He was born in N.C. near the red swampy waters of the Haw River and was struck by lightning as a small child. The thunderstruck kid couldn't speak for years so music became his guiding force. At age 16 he wandered into a small pawn shop in south Fla. and was miraculously healed when " that thar Silvertone hollowbody spoke to me " and he began to wail!! as in cry - but speak he did. He hid out in a moonshiner woodshed where OCD and social anxiety rendered him a recluse. After a few years he was said to have been visited in a vision by the Shaman of the Banshee who told him to spread the word of rock'n'roll but don't let the devil get your soul boy!
And thus the joyous noise of Charlie Echo was born of lost innocence, fast cars, and blisters of the heart.