Easy. was born in Birmingham, Alabama has defined his craft fresh out the basement through emotion filled artistry. His songs are a combination of truth seen through his eyes and a deep passion for music vocalized with his literary accent; or as he would say, "spilling that country grammar". With his insight on music passed down from his family he has created a style of his own and within it's on category that will shock the world. This mixture of Jazz, Hip Hop, R&B, Classic, Old School, and Funk leaves listeners on edge not knowing whats next. This is just the beginning of an unfinished story.
"From 10 years in the making, to 3 days in the basement."
Crystal Glass The Nation
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Visit www.crystalglassthenation.com for new music and updates. Hear the the new album from Easy., 3 Days In The Basement at https://soundcloud.com/crystalglassthenation/sets/3daysinthebasement
Don't Forget The Period
Easy. was born in Birmingham, Alabama has defined his craft fresh out the basement through emotion filled artistry. His songs are a combination of truth seen through his eyes and a deep passion for music vocalized with his literary accent; or as he would say, "spilling that country grammar". With his insight on music passed down from his family he has created a style of his own and within it's on category that will shock the world. This mixture of Jazz, Hip Hop, R&B, Classic, Old School, and Funk leaves listeners on edge not knowing whats next. This is just the beginning of an unfinished story.
"From 10 years in the making, to 3 days in the basement."
Crystal Glass The Nation