I'm Carell Casey. I live in Madison, Wisconsin. I don't know what to say about myself so I'll put in a couple quotes about my debut solo CD "A New Day" from others. Thanks!

"Carell Casey has a talent that speaks for itself in this collection of emotive and thought provoking songs. She shows the listener through her words - love, passion, clarity and life. Small glimpses into the world through the eyes of a poet. This album is beauty at its very best." - Sara Hunter

I recently bought "A New Day" and have really been enjoying it. Straightforward, honest, and sweet, "A New Day" feels like a cup of tea, your favorite sweater, and a good friend on a Saturday afternoon. - David Gleysteen

Latest News

Latest News! Carell is back in the studio recording the follow up to A New Day, to be entitled "Fool For Love", to be released in 2012! Stay tuned....

Also Carell has a new rock band - we are writing and rehearsing all new original songs. Hope to be playing shows by January! Any other rock bands out there need an opening act? Let me know!


This Artist has 1 Album


Carell Casey
over 30 days ago to Carell Casey

I'm being targeted by a homicidal international intellectual property theft crime ring using cutting-edge cyber crimes and gross abuses of technology and telecommunications to obstruct victims from justice! Have tried reporting thousands of times. Need help!

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Carell Casey

Carell. Are you for me? Oui! Your voice is so engaging, how could one resist? Come join me where the Angel sing. St. Nick

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Clean Clean

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