PARENTS..Are your teenage kids looking pale? Lost a lot of weight? Having mood swings and are spending a lot of time locked in their rooms ? Then they are most certainly must be listening to Gothic Death Metal.

Anywayz , Average White Rapper ain’t got nuthin’ to do with that. He’s Hip Hop , and Hip Hop right now is
at an odd state. Rappers feuding and fightin’ and a lot of the music being tense and serious.
Anywayz , Average White Rapper ain’t got nuthin’ to do with that either. His only claim to a fight was in a McDonalds queue. All over some double cheeseburger.

Average White Rapper wants to inject the fun back into hip hop and remind the kids how it used to be.
Sampling the old skool,mixed with the new, he tells us on “Average White Rapper” about how every kid dreams to leave ANY suburb , and become a MTV Rap Star.No need to be Fly or to have Bling or to be from Ghettoville. Just sample a break and rap. Dude, AWR is from South Central Bel Air! (Well..em, no not really

Average White Rapper Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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