"Forever" is a contemporary classic, bursting with potential as a perennial wedding favorite. Saponaro's satin-smooth voice reaches hearts and minds, stirring emotion deep within young and old alike. No other song of recent years so elegantly captures the flood of emotions accompanying a marriage: the partnership, the romance, the respect, and as Ronnie puts it, "the feeling that your heart would fall to pieces at the mere thought of not being able to stand at the side of your loved one for a lifetime.

A modern classic like "Forever" doesn't simply appear out of nowhere; while his name may be new to many, Ronnie is far from new to music. Saponaro boasts a lifetime of experience, including an extensive background in musical study, competition, and performance, and has composed an album's worth of songs ready to be recorded - "I'm hoping that "Forever" will give me a jumpstart so that someday I will be able to bring this album to life."


over 30 days ago to Ronnie Saponaro

ziplok.us ziplokus@gmail.com

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