Page Lynch Bio
by Tara-Leigh Cobble
Everyone questioned him when he first threw himself full-force into the plan. He knew there would be backlash. But he also knew he couldn't relent; this was God's calling on his life.
That statement could refer to Noah building the ark. It could be David as he faced Goliath. Or it could be Page Lynch, a humble musician who loves to praise God with the songs he writes on his guitar. Perhaps it doesn't sound like a struggle, but Page grew up staunchly opposing the use of instruments in worship. "God got a hold on my heart and changed me," Page explains, "and He showed me the majesty and the beauty of music and how it can capture the heart. Then, He told me to make it."
Page's debut album Remove Your Shoes creates an atmosphere of truth that both invites and produces reverent awe, in much the way Chris Tomlin and David Crowder do. He titled the album appropriately--it stands as a reminder that we are constantly in God's presence, and our only appropriate response is to live a life of constant worship.
In the short time that he's been pursuing this new calling, he's worked toward acquiring a degree in worship ministry at David Lipscomb University in Nashville. It was in Nashville that Page first caught the attention of Joey Elwood, President of Gotee Records. "Initially, I was drawn into Page's work with the song 'Adonai,'" Elwood says, "but this new album, Remove Your Shoes, is just great. What I love about this work is not just the musicianship, but what Page has to say in his songs. It's always refreshing to hear an artist with a clear ministry vision, and that is definitely Page."
"Adonai" is a song that keeps garnering attention for Page. Industry professionals and fans alike can't seem to get enough of it. "I wrote the music for it while I was feeling very guilty over my sin and the ongoing battle with it. The apostle Paul describes the Christian life as a race that we are running. I remember thinking, 'God, I feel like I'm crawling.'"
It's that kind of honesty and humility that draws people like magnets not only to Page's music, but to him as a person as well. He has a way of making his audience members feel encouraged and important when he speaks to them after shows, he knows when to make the right jokes, and how to encourage the downtrodden. There's a total lack of the kind of pretension one might expect from a burgeoning musician.
Page and his wife currently live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where he's working on a book that will serve as a companion project for Remove Your Shoes. The book shares the stories behind the songs on the album while paralleling them with stories from scripture, starting with Adam and Eve. And Page's own story, of casting off all restraint and following God regardless of the cost, serves as a perfect lens to magnify the glory of the God who has been present with us and faithful to us throughout every generation.