My name Is Doug Irwin and I've been writing songs for the past 3 years. In my spare time I've written around 30 songs (I have posted 15 so far)and I'am the owner and operator of Nervous Gerbil Records. I play and sing all parts and record them in my living room. Some mixes are better than others and I think most of my songs have strong melodies. When it comes down to it I really just had fun putting them together.
I hope those that give a listen enjoy what I've created.
Latest News
Wow!! 35 years have passed and what a blast we had playing together for the first time
in many, many years!!! Dave and Steve thank you... I'm truly blessed to have friends like you...
Let's do it again ...SOON!!!
Moonshine rules!!!
Chef by day
Doug Irwin is a Chef by day and a fledgling songwriter by night.
He is a graduate of Tyler School of Art and The Restaurant School of Philadelphia.
His passion for music goes back many years and is a avid collector of CDs and vinyl. Along with writing songs; Doug plays drums, guitar, bass (some keyboards) and sings.
On these songs Doug writes, performs(all parts), records and produces....this diversion keeps him out of serious trouble.