John has been performing since he was thirteen. His dedication led him to the University of British Columbia, where he earned a Bachelor of Music, and then on to working with some of Vancouver’s top performers and groups as a flautist, pianist and vocalist. His first writing and production effort earned him honors at the Cannes Amateur Film Festival for the soundtrack to the film “No Entry.” His accomplishments include performances across Canada, the USA, Europe and the Far East. John’s song “You made my Night” hit the Top 100 charts internationally and his song “City of Darkness” hit the top 100 charts in Canada. John is now focused on getting his music published, recorded and placed in film and television. He is currently performing in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


This Artist has 1 Album


Andrea Standley
over 30 days ago to john fisher

John, we love the songs and the instrumental trax of are excellent. Please think about putting them up on Songsinc - we believe they'd do very well. Hope to hear from you, stay in touch and thanks for sharing your talent!


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