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Just had a listen to your first 2 songs and thoroughly enjoyed them. Beautifully written and performed, so much potential. They come across in their base form as sort of musical theatre and I could hear either one in a show. Lots of luck with them. Just for fun, you might like to hear my only foray into that genre, She Doesn't Need Another Love Affair. entley1/she-doesnt-need-another-lov e-affair Not at all my usual genre, maybe that's why I only ever did one! Cheers, Bob
Hi Laura, Thanks for a very kind review of You Are Mine. You probably know now that the song is actually Julia Schmidt's and that the original piano arrangement was by Zac Nelson. I have collaborated with Julia quite often, something I enjoy immensely as she has a beautiful voice and a great writing talent. In this case I just wanted to experiment with adding some orchestral backing, something I have absolutely no experience of, or training for!. It is quite possible that the original without the strings is a better song but I enjoyed the task and we both like it as an alternative so it is on both our BJ pages. Thanks again, I'll pass this on to Julia.