im a musician guitarist based in goa and i work in Reason as my main DAW .. im hooked on right now to making music and i love writing songs and composing ...


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 3 Playlists


You have listened to some of my music in the past. I have recently added an album to BJ. When you have the time, please have a listen.
Thanks, Norb Studelska

Glenda Jackson
over 30 days ago to colin dias

Thank you for the great rating you gave my song Be An Encourager!. It is much appreciated!

2 Replies
colin dias
over 30 days ago

your welcome ...

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

thank you so much for the stars on Staying power, it means a lot. merry Christmas!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to colin dias

Dear Colin once reviewed "Kitschy, Kitschy, Kool" and said you really enjoyed the arrangement, but wish it had drums!! That statement has been going thru my mind for months now, but I finally rectified that now has drums by a terrific drummer on Broad Jam, David Haddad. Please have a listen and let me know what you think??
We are extremely pleased with this new Drum & Sax version!
M & A Corey
PS.................."Chica Bella", What a GREAT SONG!!!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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