Spicy Folk are a contemporary song writing duo forging a unique blend of British and American sound into a special kinda spicy folk music.

The group, consisting of Raven (vocals) and Lee (guitar), first came together from opposite sides of the planet in 2011 via an online music collaboration site. The duo quickly developed an explosive musical relationship and in 2013 made the decision to put out their own spicy brand of acoustic art.

They do their collaborations on www.procollabs.com

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If anyone is interested in collaborating with us or similar artists, feel free to sign up at www.procollabs.com

We look forward to working with you! :)


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Had a quick scan around some of your songs, I love the originality of your performances. Great singing, great guitar playing. Lots of luck with your excellent songs. Bob

over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hi Spicy Folk,
Thanks for a great review of Knock 'em Dead. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Much appreciated,

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

A Sailor's Tragedy... sweet track.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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