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OverTheAir Radio
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

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Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Lauren Alexander

Nice song Lauren, great vocals, hope you do well, Cheers Les

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hi Les,

Say, thanks for the Joni Mitchell note....I think she is doing least that is what I heard from David Crosby yesterday.

Also, THANKS for the nice review of the "live" version of my old blues/hippie anthem, "I'm The Ice Cream Man". It was recorded "live" at the infamous Cowtown Ballroom in Kansas City back on 9/11/1971.
The recording was not the best, but pretty good...lots of interference from a radio station antenna 200 years away from the club and the recording board was a bit squirrely..... but it is a fun song and very popular "Back Then"......although, today, it would be considered as "politically incorrect". Is this world screwed up or what? This was actually a song I wrote back in 1963 when I was a busboy in an ice cream shop in the center of town. I was 13....and would play on Sunday to the ice cream crowd....then go clean the tables. No rest for the weary. It was a simple blues song.....that morphed when the late 60's came along and I was touring, I added the spicy and fun talking blues part about a "street corner ice cream salesman"....who sold ice cream and MORE.

Anyway, glad you liked the song. It comes from the only "live" show that made it through the years and the CD is entitled, "Black & White".

This and all my albums are available at Broadjam.

Best to you,

Chet Nichols

8 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Thanks Chet !, I was hoping Van Halen didn't steal your idear and put it on their 1978 album ??, man you certainly have a history, keep up the great work Chet... Cheers Les

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Actually, Tom Waitts heard the song and jammed with me on it back in the 60's. And being who he is/was, he was "inspired" to write HIS version of the song. He surely wasn't writing blues songs when HE was 13.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hey Les, I almost forgot..... I recently did a "Studio Version" of, "I'm The Ice Cream Man", which I think you'll enjoy. It comes from my 2014 classic-rock album, "Band IN The Basement"..... I KNOW you'll like this 60's inspired album and the new version of the song.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago


Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago


Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hey Les, who is this "Jonnt" being?

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

I have no idear Chet ?, hey' we decided to do the big trip to the states, staying in Hollywood for a few day's then moving on to Hawaii, then home. Love the people and culture, awesome !!!

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Coo-el.....sometime, our paths should cross..... Chet

over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

My poem AMERICA--thanks for tuning in--cheers--joe

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

Great poem Joe, God Bless America !!!

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Hank Hays

Thanks Hank for the constructive and helpful review of Girls Like You, really appreciated, Cheers Les

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Scotty Lane

Thanks for the very kind review on 'Girls Like You' Scotty, looking forward to checking you're work out, All the Best, Les

Nick Berry
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Les - Thank you for reviewing my song, "Everybody's Got A Story," I really appreciate it. I'm sorry there wasn't a full band added, my budget didn't allow for it unfortunately. Much continued success to you. ~ Nick

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Nick, I still remember the song and it was fine just the way you presented it, would recommend any up and coming country singer to listen to it. Cheers Mate !

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson


Thanks so much for the nice review of the instrumental version of "Goodbye Doesn't Have To Mean Goodbye"! There is a version WITH lyrics....just stop by my site and scroll thru the sings till you find it...and tell me what you think!


Chet Nichols

4 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Chet, Woow what a catalogue you have, found the instrumental version but not the lyric version ??

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hey Les,

The song with lyrics, "Goodbye Doesn't Have To Mean Goodbye"... Is on the first page of my catalogue about 16 songs from the top.



Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

' It only took a moment for your hello to say it all' Great lyric Chet !!, Nice song !!

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Les.

In light of the recent passing of Robin Williams, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and other gifted artists ... I'd like to suggest you stop by and listen to one of my new songs, "The Needle In His Arm".

It was inspired by others, too, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger and so many others who toyed with drugs and flew way too close to the flame.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson


Thanks so much for the nice review of the instrumental version of "Goodbye Doesn't Have To Mean Goodbye"! There is a version WITH lyrics....just stop by my site and scroll thru the sings till you find it...and tell me what you think!


Chet Nichols

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Stu

Hi Stu, been sitting down listening to some of you songs, great lyrics and love the rawness in the music, You Got It Man !! Take Care Les

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank You les! It is raw....I like the way raw comes out
Haven't had a chance to do much recording lately. I must make time soon.....How are things in your part of the world.

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Firstly Congrat's on all the top 10's, you'll be stoked !!, very cold over here at the moment -4 degrees at night, plenty of snow on the mountains, springs not too far away though.. Take care Stu !

over 30 days ago

3 days past we were 105 degrees F ....I believe that is 40 deg C.....looking forward to fall

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Stu

Hi Hank & Stu, Hope you and you're family's have a wonderful Christmas, All the best for 2014 !!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

thank you Les...all our/my best to you also

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Sam Rath

Hi Sam, Thanks for youre review on 'Dont get much better', I had a very stressfull day at work and just listened to 'Digital Dump' My stress has gone !!! Thanks !, Keep it up, you'll do well here, Cheers Les

1 Replies
amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

Thank you Sam for your nice review of heart Ache and desire! Have a wonderful day!

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Dre Phantom

Hi Dre-Phanton, Thanks for reviewing 'Its my life', It was a hard one to get all the vocals sitting right, Cheers man ! Les

Hey Kevin and team, Thanks for a great review of Girls like you, Had a listen, you guy's sound unique, will listen more, God Bless Ya' All....Les

1 Replies
Kevin Desire/Cholinga Praise
over 30 days ago

You're welcome Les. Blessings to you as well. Have a great weekend.

over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

nice job on hitting the Male Top 10 for
'girls like you' les!.......stu

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Stu, So nice to hear from you again !, hope you're keeping well and happy, had a busy day painting an auto wreckers showroom, got home put new strings on the bass ready for gig tomorrow night, Ya !! can't wait, Say Hi to Hank.... Les

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith

Hi Penny, Thanks so much for the great review of 'Girls Like You', All the best for the recovery, look forward to hearing you're songs, Regards Les

1 Replies
Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

You're welcome!!

John Johnson
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hey Thanks for your review and comments on my song-Outlaw Song, It was a recorded by some hot studio musicians, I wish they were my band!

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Great song ! well written and produced.. Cheers Les

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hey Les,

Thanks so much for the kind review of my song, "Romeo Cowboy" ... it is from my 1996 CD, "Lucky Man". Stop by if you'd like to hear more.

Thanks, again!

God Bless,

Chet Nichols
Inductee - The Kansas Music Hall of Fame

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

I still remember it !, thats a good sign !..Congrats on the induction. I will stop by.. All the Best, Les

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Carol Ann Jones

Hi Carol, Thanks for you're very kind review of 'Girls Like You', I've spent so much time on it, yes its got a few software tricks in it which have helped me heeps, Just listened to 'Shes so Seventeen', Man you neally blew me out of my seat !!!! what a big song !! great mix, and vocals, specially love the guitar, All the best and thanks again, Regards Les

Hey Dave, Thought I'd check in to see how you're doing, still sounding great !, my wife and I are planning a trip to the states next year, holiday, LA for a few days, hopefully you might be playing somewhere, we can come along and listen ?, will let you know as it gets closer, Cheers Les. PS Generations,,,very nice

1 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Hi Les, Thanks for the message and nice comment!! If you come my way please let me know... I look forward to your visit. I am actually going to Australia in a few weeks so I will be close to you but not going to New Zealand this time. Please stay in touch, Dave

Jeff Rauschl
over 30 days ago to Bobby and Leslie

Thnaks for reveiwing Black Tar Road... agree so much with your feed back. I almost feel out of breath thinking of the lyrical flow.

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Mexmo, A big thanks for you're review of 'Girls Like You', it was flattering, and yes I'm taking your advise, will shorten the intro, great advise !, have listened to your music,,, Very refreshing,, keep up the good work !, Cheers Les

over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

hey les thanks so much for your review of 'i'm glad you're gone'....a comparison to darius rucker? ...any comparison to darius in any form is an honor....thank you....he's been one of my favorite vocalist since 94 in any's just a fun thing to do between work for me...good luck in all you do...keep it fun...cheers stu

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Stu, Thanks for replying, it's inbetween work for me too. 13 years full time was good though, kind of enjoying the other side of life a lot more now, but still as keen. Love you're work ! Take Care Les

Hi Dave, just listened to 'Falling Deeper', Woow !, 'CSI Miami' Here's your new outro song, Well Done, Regards Les.

1 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Thanks Les! I wish the music supervisors thought like you do... Yes sometimes we find a particularly special sound when song writing, this was the case on "Falling Deeper". Yes we captured a pretty chill vibe on that one, thanks again for being moved enough to write to me, your encouraging words are very much appreciated. Dave

Hi Dave, Thanks for thoughtful review on 'Deep Blue Sea', I was told if you're going to program drums you have to think like one and what he would do in certain parts of the song ie verlocity's/feel. Im using Groove agent 3 now, helps heeps, alternatively get a live drummer, Are you available ?? :), Good to catch up, Take Care, Les

1 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Hi Les, You're very welcome for the review. Yes using programs such as Groove Agent is a great way to achieve more realistic drum tracks and is way better than programming the old fashioned way with drum machines. Use whatever is at your disposal to get good tracks... which does include me if desired. Yes I can do nice drum tracks from my home studio (all set up for just that) and charge my bj family the bare minimum. Best of luck to you my friend. Dave - CenterPeace

DiD Records
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hi Les,
Thanks for your review on our song, "This Time Try Loving Me".
Your appreciation for a simple but great song is shared by many. And here's the good news; the song is number 4 in it's genre of contemporary RnB and number 7 overall RnB.

Isn't that amazing? God bless Les!

1 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi DiD, The song deserves those accolades, will stay in touch, All the best, Les.

Robert Wuagneux
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hi Les,
I Have a Girlfriend is a beta version. It will most likely be re-visited in the foreseeable future. I often put tunes with which I experiment on BROADJAM to get a better feel for them. It can get expensive...but "WHAT PRICE GLORY?" Thank you for your input and insightful review...and of's nice to know you liked the tune:-)

2 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hey Robert, you're very talented, really liked the song, I hope something becomes of it !, Keep up the great work, Take care, Les.

Robert Wuagneux
over 30 days ago

Thanks Les!!!

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago to Jamie hawkins

Hi Jamie, thanks for the great review, I think I've just found my new favourite BJ song ! it's called 'Bloody Good Xmas;, love the vocals and delivery, nice arrangment, great mix, and Lyric's , Well Done, Keep up the good work, Regards Les Donaldson.

1 Replies
Jamie hawkins
over 30 days ago

Hey, thanks Les. I'm releasing Bloody Good Xmas as a debut single on the 12th and donating sales to Depression Alliance. I'd appreciate it if you'd spread the word. Keep up the good work! :)

rp music
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Oh Yeah,

Good Luck on the elections today!
Hope your candidate's won!

rp music
over 30 days ago to Les Donaldson

Hey Les,

Thanks for the review!
If you check some of our other
music out, you'll find tht we have
a bit of a different style as we
attempt to circumnavigate about
6 different genre's...I wouldn't
have it any other way!
We just may be showing up on
your doorstep...well, not exactly.
Seriously considering a move to
NZ...I'd like to spend some time
travelling around to the schools
and speaking as an OLD American
jazz musician to the kids about the
history of our music! Do you think
that might be something the kids

Take Care!


8 Replies
Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Rich,,I know all about you, LOL, I read your Bio long before I critiqued you music,, Your very good!! I know you would love it over here, and be very welcome, I'm sure you'd get alot of interest from schools that would ablige. There are so many kids here that want to learn but sadly the tutoring can put them off. In saying that NZ has produced some great player's, Stay in touch, Regards Les. PS. Yep ! the right man's running the country ! Again

rp music
over 30 days ago

I don't believe its taking me a week to retrieve my messages!
Thanks for the compliment and words of encouragement about migrating to NZ...recently (?) many Americans awoken to discover that the 'American Dream' was actually a nightmare! Things have become deplorable here! Very sad to witness a beautiful country such as the US is, be assailed by a bunch of thugs...but, that's what's, we need to find a new home...besides the multi-genre writing, arranging and producing that my family and I do, I've always keenly delved into the historical part of American jazz history...for a very small
fee I'd be willing to travel round New Zealand and even Austrailia to all of the schools that I can reach and by virtue of an excellent youtube file that someone put together for me, illustrate to the kids how this jazz thing
came together and who, over its approximate 100 year history, the movers and shakers were!
I have an outgoing personality, and I'm quite graphic and animated as a person..and don't forget the American accent....what do you think? Any ideas come to mind?


rp music
over 30 days ago

Might you know a manager/agent (?) that might be willing to represent us...I have a publishing catalog of about 100 original songs in numerous genre's....We call ourselves 'Rich Pulin Musical Family', which is comprised of my beautiful and talented wife (singer-songwriter) Kristin, and our incredibly gifted 25 year old daughter Brooke (if you havn't heard them, please go to my page and listen to Brooke singing on "Lovin You" and "Waiting For You"....I believe the folks in NZ have something special to look forward to with Brooke, who, by the way, is a top opera singer of the highest magnitude (check out her work on a "Simple Song, by Bernstein on youtube 1
Lastly, we are setting up shop at a different site which I feel is condusive to pro musicians 2

Les, thanks for being in touch and hope to get to know you better!

rp music
over 30 days ago

Oh, and I apologize....almost forgot our 7 y.o. 'wonderkind' grandson, Jovanny....on that same youtube page(there's a total of 23 videos)Jovanny has 4 videos of his own .....all recorded and filmed here in LA, by our company Vizjaz, llc....he was 5 at the time!

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hi Rich, Thanks so much for the letters, what a talented family, I have been at work all day ( I have my own Painting& Decorating business, which has taken of since the Christchurch earthquake's) thinking how we can get the ball rolling for you guy's, It's 8.30 over here, dinners on the table so have to make this short, so will write a more extensive letter soon, one thing is for shure, if you come over here, you may never want to go back !, Take care, we'll chat again soon, Regards Les.

rp music
over 30 days ago

How about skyping? My address is rich.pulinAnytime its convenient for you!
We'd be looking for a house way out in the country, away from hustle and bustle....some fenced, secure property where our Alaskan Malamutes can run around!
Also, new address for my musical concern: 1

Speak soon I hope!

Les Donaldson
over 30 days ago

Hey Rich, Skyping, great idear ! I'm les.donaldson1,, Not sure if there's a space between the n and 1, try anyway, Think you'd find just what your looking for over here, Will be out of town for the next few day's, renovating our holiday shack, Chat soon, Regards Les.

rp music
over 30 days ago

Yes, I located you (funny how tiny the world has become)(we're only a second or 2 from anyone anywhere!)and will look forward to chatting when you have time!

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