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Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hey Phil, thanks for taking the time to listen to Every Good thing bestowed. Glad you liked it!
Your friend in music,
Mrs. Kate

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

Hi Bob,
You send comments out with a song and an evaluation page included. How do you attach those to the comment?

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

I might have to go through the motions to remind myself. I think it's when you message people, attach a song link the system then asks you if you want to attach an evaluation sheet. Give that a test. Meanwhile I'll give it a trial.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

I have not shared any of my songs in over as year. Here is my newest one, a short instrumental called "Acryllic". ngs.php?artistID=126883&mediaID=797 116

over 30 days ago

Hi Phil,
Attaching songs and review sheets does not work in this "comments" section. However, if you message people using the Bjam mail app, you have the option to add a link to music, pic, etc. at the bottom. If you attach music, you get the review sheet option.

Hope that helps,


over 30 days ago

And thanks for the stars for We Have Been Young, very much appreciated. I hope you're managing to get your songs and review sheets out and about?


Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

My Favorite Memory - What a lovely and peaceful melody. Your piano sounds awesome.

Do you many sync placements?

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Phil--thanks for listening to "My Favorite Memory" and your compliment and support! To answer your question, I have songs in song libraries (that have never been used) but have never had a sync placement. I haven't really looked for opportunities outside of this website.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hi Jeana, thank you so much for the 5 star reviews on my songs. ~Phil Bouldry

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Phil--You are very welcome. You always have quality songs!

Hi All,

Just a quick note to say thanks for the 5-star review of my song "Whole Lotta Nuthin", on Broadjam. THANKS!
~Phil Bouldry

over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the kind words and the stars for Achill Lament. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now trying to get lyrics together as I think it will make a good song.
Keep well,


Denis Hackett
over 30 days ago to Denis Hackett

Hi, Delighted to say that my song "Some Other Day" has just entered the top Ten in Jazz Contemporary.

2 Replies
Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dennis, Congrats Sir.... that's got to make your day!!!
The Corey's.....................

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Gratz Denis. It's a great feeling to know your music is appreciated by others. Good luck in your future endeavors. ~Lazy Phil

over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil,
Thanks for your review of Thomas. I am in the process of reworking this instrumental as I realised quite quickly I'd overdone the instrumentation, plus it's too long. Your review is 100% other than I don't share your view that a song should be x number of verses/choruses and/or bridges. It's not a song as such, it's an instrumental piece and it does have a structure of verses, choruses and a bridge, but it also has variations before finishing back on the main theme and outro. Having said that, the guitar is a bit all over the place and part of my task of reworking it is try to find a more coherent melody running through it - it may not be easy!
It wasn't composed for any specific commercial purpose, really as an experiment for my own enjoyment. I'm not able to sing just now so I thought I would try to pull together melodies and chord patterns from recent times and see if I could put some guitar over it all. This does explain the lack of cohesiveness.
I've had very helpful feedback, all different, and that is one of the real benefits to me of Broadjam. Your review is very much appreciated. Together, they all help me to focus on areas where improvement is most required, rather than just churning out more and more versions.
Thanks again and a Happy New Year,

1 Replies
Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago


As I said, I'm old school, I guess. I do agree with you that it's not mandatory that a song be verse chorus verse chorus bridge, etc. If you have heard my song My Miss America you've heard that I don't adhere to it as a strict rule. Anyway, I appreciate your kind response, and I wish you good success in rearranging "Thomas".

Happy New Year to YOU!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil--Thanks for the playlist add for "Moonlit Glow". I appreciate it!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil--the playlist will come open when you tap on the + sign underneath the song you are playing. It really only works if you are on a computer (as opposed to a phone). Looking forward to more of your tunes!

"Hope Prevails" is yet another masterclass, Jeana! The subtlety of the strings is what makes it for me. It is like a distant accompaniment which grows as time moves is a very optimistic sounding piece! You just know how to do it!

4 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Thanks again Robert for listening and your encouraging words! Also the stars and playlists. I appreciate it!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

thx for the 5 stars on Wonder Girl, that one is me singing, which is the shortcoming of the song! lol!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Randall--You are welcome. I liked it !

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeana! Thank you for your 5 star rating of my song. I was pleasantly surprised. I haven't forgotten that you added "Convertible Summer" to your playlist. I don't have one of those yet, but when I finally figure it out I am going to add some of your songs. ~Phil

over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

I'm very grateful for your kind review Phil. Glad you liked Keeping The Faith, I have entered it for a couple of new opportunities on BJ so fingers crossed. Much appreciated.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Has anyone else been getting connection requests from people that are not even musicians, and they do nothing at all, musically?

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all !

over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil, thank you for your review of Under Her Wing. I'm pleased it got you thinking about your mother, that makes my day! Thanks again for a thorough review, much appreciated. Bob

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi, my song "Convertible Summer" is #3 on Broadjam's top ten Female list. Am I missing something here? I'm not female.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Thanks Phil. I will assign 40 tickets to you. I will tell Michael the director. Thank you so much for helping the orphans in india!!

Thanks for review of Aki-Day. By coincidence my older brother was just visiting, also a musician and much more skilled than me, and I played this for him. He made same points. Problem is, I'm a "rough and ready" guy as musician and recording my own stuff, so what is "good enough" for me obviously doesn't cut it for most other people! I will probably take my recordings offline as I study on how to make tighter recordings. Thanks again! CW Mullins

7 Replies
over 30 days ago

It still has a lot of musical merit though! One way is to record a "click track" (metronome) and play it in the headphones while you record the other instruments. Best of luck with it!

over 30 days ago

Thanks Bob. Honestly I have tried the metronome and I am just not able to listen to the metronome and play. Sad, huh?! I just need practice practice practice!

over 30 days ago

I'm sure if you found a good local musician and pay him something reasonable like $30 an hour, you can show him your chord pattern and let him play it. Better than nothing~!

over 30 days ago

I hope I'm not that hopeless! I just need to discipline myself. I retired June 2019, and apart from all the other stuff going on in the world (!!!) this year, I have had some distractions, let's say. I think I'm getting to a place soon where I can concentrate and refine my performance skills. Wait and see!

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Hi CW. There is a program called EZ Drummer, from Toontrack. It has many different drum beats for different genres, verses, choruses, fills, etc. You can scroll through them, pick one that best suits your song style, and use it to record your song, Instead of a click track you are using a real drum section. The drum track is midi so you can edit it to fit your specific song once you are done. I have gotten some positive feedback on the drums in my songs. Even compliments to the drummer. The drums were done using Superior Drummer, which is also from Toontrack. A step up from EZ drummer, but much the same. Check out my songs and you will hear the drums sound great. They were programmed by my producer. There are also other drum track plugins out there but I don't know how they fare compared to the EZ Drummer. Anyways, just a thought for something that may help you. ~Phil Bouldry

over 30 days ago

Thank you Phil! I have been using GarageBand drummers, and my brother recently got me to "move up" to Logic Pro. I need a better "ear," which I hope I can develop. Some of the slight lags etc that stick out to others, don't stick out so much to me. really appreciate everyone trying to be helpful! Will give your stuff a listen.

over 30 days ago

Phil, listening to your stuff, very nice. We have similar stories. I am also self-recording a ton of songs I've written over the years, back as far as mid-70s. Anyway, nice stuff. The tracks I have up now all have various flaws, but I believe in the songs. I'll be getting better at recording. Fingers crossed! All the best - CW

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Since I have joined Broadjam I have begun hearing some music in a different light. There are those of you out there who write, or want to write, backing music tracks for TV and movies. If you would like to hear some of the most amazing tracks as a way to get ideas and learn from, watch the TV show CSI: Miami. They have some of the best sounding, creative, interesting tracks in all of TV. Just a thought...

Hi Dale. Gratz on winning this month's top 100!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you Phil. Some of the hard work is beginning to pay off! I appreciate the good word.

Hi Patrick. Congrats on making the Production-Male Vocals top ten list with "Gonna Be On Time". ~Phil Bouldry

Dave, Thank you very much for your glowing review of my song "I Think It's Time." I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will give a listen and find out what you heard at 2.02, and let you know. ~Phil Bouldry

1 Replies
Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

I think you just meant the bridge where there's a bit of a change up, right? I don't hear any strange instruments or effects or anything.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Gratz on "Chicken In The Pan" making it into the top ten Country - Rock list!

2 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Thanks Phil. Maybe I ought to go out and get some Kentucky Fried to celebrate! Your friend, Mrs Kate

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Love that chicken from Pope yes

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to BobBirthisel4251305

Hey Bob! Gratz on your achievement of number ONE Top 10 artist! ~Phil Bouldry

5 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks - I'm not sure where that list is???? But I appreciate the heads up!

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

I received an email from Broadjam advertising their new web hosting method. There you were on the page, big as life!

over 30 days ago

Wow....very cool, thanks Phil. I've gone from unknown to insignificant!

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

If you wanna give me your email address I will forward you that email.

over 30 days ago -- Thank you Phil, that would be awesome.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to BobBirthisel4251305

Hey Bob! Thanks for your positive review of my song "Move Over Baby". I like, and appreciate, your suggestions for improving it. ~Phil

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Gee Starr

Hi Gee Starr, I just want to say thank you for your great review of my song "Gimme One More Chance". I'm glad you liked it. ~Phil Bouldry

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Does anyone know of any virtual instrument plug-in that has an African rain stick?

2 Replies
Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

No I don't, but if you Hum a few Bars....?
Ahhhhhh........what's an African Rain Stick anyway?? Is It bigger than a Bread Basket??
Phil....please forgive for this silly response, I'm a bit bored today!!
The Corey's.........

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Haha! You're funny. Easiest way to tell you is to say Google it. It's a percussion instrument that sounds like rain.

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Wes Dinwiddie

Just listened to "Cassini Mission". The score fits the video to a "T"

1 Replies
Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago

Thanks for listening! Really appreciate the feedback!

Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago to Wes Dinwiddie

Hi Wes! Thanks for your generous review of "Gimme One More Chance". I appreciate it.

1 Replies
Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago

No problem at all Phil, you're very welcome

over 30 days ago to Phil Bouldry

Hi Phil, Thanks for a very thorough review of Rolling On. I'm always grateful for comments, especially when they are made in such a constructive way, I try to do the same for others. Not everyone expects or appreciates criticism, whereas I don't see any point in reviews if they are not honest. I don't always agree, but in this case your points are perfectly valid and easy to put right. They go on my list............!!
Thanks again and good luck with your songs.

2 Replies
Phil Bouldry
over 30 days ago

Hey Bob! Thank you for your friendly response to my review of "Rolling On". I like that we don't know whose song we're reviewing until after we submit the review. It helps to make a fair and honest assessment. I try hard to not come off as being snooty or stuck up, or a know-it-all, and am very conscious of the fact that I am a songwriter too, and have been devastated by poor reviews in the past. One of my sayings (I have many) is "Hey, I'm a songwriter, I'm USED to rejection". I want to be the best that I can be, so when fellow songwriters have suggestions for improving my craft, I welcome them and am thankful. So thank you for responding with appreciation, instead of asking for my address so you can come to my house and punch me in the face. HAHA!

And I DO like your songs.

over 30 days ago

Your quite safe Phil, apart from the fact that we live about 4,285 miles away, I'm a writer not a fighter!! Spent a lot of my 73 years talking my way out of trouble! Cheers.

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