MsTish, is truly a gifted person....Born Latisha Nicole ..... a female holy hip hop Rapper & Singer who is making her mark by showcasing her powerful anointing. She, uses her rap style to share Her Faith...To reach places that other styles could never enter. Unlike secular rap,which frequently glorifies sex, drinking, violence and drugs, MsTish! Holy Hip Hop focuses on The One who can deliver you from those things....

This overnight success is sure to exceed the expected normal potential of regular "Gospel Artist."

Sounds Like: 2Pac, Queen Latifah

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I've taken the journey of lacking the knowledge to comprehending the knowledge. Now, after I have Looked Unto Him ONLY, I am on that Warrior Creed. There is a WAR and I feel I am appointed to the FRONT line. Ladies and Gents... your girl is rising up... No man is perfect but still you are called to stand in what you believe. I believe its MY season to grow and im taking the steps!


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Video


This Artist has 1 Playlist


over 30 days ago to MsTish!

people U knew B 4 should B CONFUSED @ what they C N U NOW!!!

over 30 days ago to MsTish!

Never Let your HISTORY control Your DESTINY!!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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