The BaByEaTeRs are and always will be a solo act,comprised of the eluvial Gabriel J Illuminator
Gabriel plays the instuments to be heard on The BaByEaTeRs recordings writes ,produces', plays and sings.
The BaByEaTeRs are signed to Planet records,they have music on iTunes,Napster,amazon and many more sites on the web.
In a lot of ways the babyeaters are cutting edge on the scene of music being a product of the cyber age. Seductively using the freedom and power of the technological era
Latest News
THe Babyeaters are now on amazon ,napster,eMusic and iTunes with a new album comming out for christmas
Merry christmas and a happy new year
HeLLo BaBy
Why do you make music?
I always found music and I went together. When there was nothing and I was alone, it's music that kept me company over the hard years. All the musicians of the world are like brothers to me. Music is a deep part of me, you could say its my identity, its how I improve myself. It's how I connect with other people. I never once thought there was another way I was going to spend my life, or make my living.
When I was a kid I missed a lot of school due to illness, so I had a lot of time that I put into music, really drums from a very early stage, I mean 2-3 years old.
Music kept me out of trouble, kept me off the streets. I came from the roughest suburb there was in Perth, I mean there's a thousand bad ways I could have turned out.
No crap, I used to amaze people then because I played with everything I had and I loved it when other people loved that too. I still do.
What are your influences?
KISS is a great band and not just for the music. They figured out how to get close to their fans, make you feel like some kind of big family. And I really like the persona thing created for the band members. They were there and a big part of my development at a young age.
Kate Bush, every thing about her is beautiful and we share similar personal problems. She made it to the top despite manic depression.
Alice Cooper's music, I like theatre and I like artists that are true to themselves. Again persona and personality are important. He's intelligent and he's got balls. I also like staying power and most of the influences in my musical life have that.
Cindy Lauper mixed electronic with straight pop and found a new sound. She keeps innovating with herself. Of all the solo women in this industry I think she knows herself and where she's going - and she's a little bit wild like me.
Lou Reed, he's intellectual but tough, very New York. He sees the dark side of life but sees the light side of depression.
Iggy Pop, all his bands have been unreal. Always 10 years ahead of his time because he's an individual and makes the music he wants to make. A genius.
The Sex Pistols. Hit me at a young age. It was all about giving it a go armed with whatever is on hand. Rebellious, there is no mistaking the sound. Shaped a lot of my response to authority. And the tragedy of Sid Vicious - they lived life hard and crashed hard. Still imitated - thank you Malcolm McLaren.
What's with you and the World Wide Web?
The web is ideal for the way I make music and the way I want to to connect with the world. We're on new ground like the great explorers. We never know if the cops are about to burst in or the press. And we don't care.
I consider myself a web artist and I hope one of the most original. Real guitars, real drums, real bass - no groove boxes ever - but I'm channelling it through this electronic alternative universe. I like connecting with fans and musos all around the world. It's like radio and television but with no middle men trying to screw with my music or whatever.
Every time I release a song onto the web it's exhilarating - love it or hate it - I get high when people listen and communicate with me.
How do you go about making your music?
I write from experience. So an idea just comes from what I doing and what's happening to me. Take "Bedroom Cool" - I'm a sensual person and I've spent a lot of time single. It was written to fit one particular woman - I wrote it for her as a gift.
Or "Lonely Girl", so many lonely people, so many dating sites, people trying to connect but no-one really letting anyone into their real lives. I explored that world to find out - lonely women seeking love and so many men just preying on them and ignoring the real need for love and companionship.
Music is my first love its kinda why I'm Me
Love or hate tHe BaByEaTERs brash new style,now were here we are here for ever...Su' look out world
Groove on