Solo Artist - Producer / Arranger / Composer / Songwriter.

Dwelling from the hip hop capital of the world....SOUTH BRONX , NEW YORK CITY.

Making music to body rock your souls.

Be real, and stay true to yourself/music and you will shine like the star you really are.

That's the sure shot!

The official SoulRocka!!! Beware of COPYCATS!!

Check me out as well in myspace:

Similar Artists

Red Snapper, Art of Noise , Jellybean , DJ SHADOW , Mantronix .


The Mission U.K., All About Eve, T.S.O.L. ,KRS-1 , Stereo Mc's , O.M.D. , Beastie Boys , DR DRE , Pop Will Eat Itself , R.H.C.Peppers , The Alarm, Fingathing, Dept Affect, Tycho, Clint Mansell, Danny Boyle, John Carpenter.


The music of SoulRocka Nasty Nene is a mixture of infested genres. From block party jams, to hip hop, to bee bop, and all that sure shot, SoulRocka indeed will bodyrock your soul to get your butt down on the dancefloor and get lost in music. Without a doubt SoulRocka experiments like a scientist mixing chemicals potions, fusing ideas and elements which makes you feel like you watching a cinematic scene from a suspense movie or a break battle on a dancefloor. Electronic music has always inspired SoulRocka since his early age. From Afrika Bambaataa & Soul Sonic Force, Freeze, Man Parrish, Liquid Liquid to the electronic music of today such as Esthero, Portishead, and Red Snapper. From graffiti, to b.boying, taking flicks, enjoying life to it's fullest and graphic designing..Somehow, SoulRocka blends all of this to his music and gives some urban artistic flavor to it. Now with hearing so many talented, innovating inspiring music artists out there, SoulRocka Nasty Nene is reinventing and redefining his electronic music to another level.

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