The best word to describe Serge Laporte's work would have to be versatility, Equally at ease in the rock, pop, moody, orchestral musical genres, his specialty is: master tapes tailor-made for an artist or a production company.
Benefiting from a great deal of hands-on experience in songwriting (mega French star Plastic Bertrand , top teen singer Cindy Daniel , Juno winner and Canadian idol judge Sass Jordan) , music for jingles ,TV scores, arranging , record producing (The last album he produced, the band Philosonic, had a number one record) , and session guitar player , Serge Laporte has developed a unique and global approach to getting things done efficiently and creatively . He has earned four SOCAN trophies for songwriting and three ADISQ nominations (equivalent to Grammys) for his record producing skills and has apppeared on many gold, platinum and double-platinum albums in Canada.
Serge Laporte can be reached at:
Latest News
My latest:
One of my songs here on the site "Enough" was submitted to Recording magazine,here is an excerpt of the critique:
"...If there has ever been a better submission to Reader's Tapes than this one, we can't recall what it might be. Serge has put together a masterful effort here. The writing is top notch as are the performances and the recording.
Here is the link:
Nice little pat on the back ...
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Those with a Brit moody vibe, guts and finesse, total passion, imagination and visual imagery to the music.
Beatles, Steely Dan, Jeff Beck,Ravel, Stravinsky,Stones, Frank Zappa ,Joni Mitchell, James Brown, Godley & Creme, Weather Report, Led Zeppelin, Ray Davies, Dylan, Daniel Lanois, Radiohead, Nine inch Nails
If there is one word to describe the work of Serge Laporte best, it would have to be versatility and feel.
Benefiting from a great deal of experience in songwriting (190 recorded songs so far, including one for international France star Plastic Bertrand), music for jingles , TV scoring , arranger and record producer (Philosonic, Cyndie Daniel) and session guitar player (over 40 albums), Serge Laporte has developed a unique and global approach to getting things done.He has earned four SOCAN trophies for songwriting and three ADISQ nominations (equivalent to Junos or Grammys) for his record producing skills.
Here are a few media comments on the work of Serge Laporte:
" of Patrick O'Hearn and Mark Dwane should flock to this album... parts of Sea of a thousand stories were reminiscent of the very best Cirque du Soleil albums... Laporte's fine compositions... literally jump out of the speakers at you ... One of the year's best..." (Lloyd Barde, Backroads music, USA)
"...Laporte's impressive musical skills and the album's incredible sound quality makes" Sea of a thousand stories" an amazing debut album for this Canadian composer... (Tim Van Veen, Radio Slor, The Netherlands)
" obvious gift for classical arrangements and for an intelligent use, new and inspired, of the synthesizers and percussion (it is getting rare). The music of Serge Laporte is a genuine breath of fresh air in a world of mass production but with little inspiration..." (Francois Grapard, musical critic, France)