The Riverdies started working together in 2000 influenced by the music made in Seattle during the 90´s. The band sold their 1th Single on the Internet and collected admirers from all over the world. Following the instant success of their second work "Down Yard", Riverdies won the Best Song Award with "I Wonder" from Universo Pop Festival 2009 (Biggest Independent Festival in South Brazil)and Best New Artist Award from Prêmio GRC 2010 in São Paulo (A well known Independent Award). Currently, the group is formed by Alex Melch (vocal/guitar), Fil Buchaul (guitars), Leo Graterol (guitars), Gui Farizeli (bass/vocal) and Victor von Draxeler (drums).

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Riverdies partened with Jaegermeister and VMH Produções record label and launched it´s third album "Waterskies"


Riverdies is one of those rare bands to find these days, with musicians who are really dedicated and infatuated for the art that they create. The personality and intensity of their composi­tions and the notable care since the whole composing confec­tions to the final sound production result, indicates that these guys got dexterity and refinement to become memorable.

The band was formed in 2000 in Rio de Janeiro by bass­ist Gui Farizeli, guitarist Leo Graterol, guitarist Fil Buc and the vocalist Alex Melch, who shaped the sonority over their multi-influenced composions. Some time later, the experienced drummer Victor Vön Draxeler has filled in the band's line up. In spite of the band members got their own distinctive musical tastes, they got a very strong influence in common by the sound played in Seattle during the early to mid 90's.

In 2007, a first single was released contain­ing 3 songs, "These Words", "Mileage" and "Still Remains". These songs stood among the most played songs on sound­ with thousands of users.

After several years experiencing the independent music sce­nario, the band wrote a number of songs enough to launch two or more albums. All this repertoire was performed around the stages of the most classic clubs of the independent scene in town, such as Ballroom, Garage, Kachanga, Néctar, Festi­val Sub Alternativo, Lonas Culturais, Rio Rock & Blues Club, Odisséia Theater and others.

In 2009, relying on the help of producer/man­ager Eden (VMH Produções), River­dies launches in the market it´s second record "Down Yard", and simul­tane­ously recorded the a third 12 track album.

Down Yard had earned them three awards in 2010 and invitations to perform live at music festivals in Europe and North America where Riverdies established a loyal num­ber of fans through the internet.

In July 2011 Riverdies lauched its third independent album "Waterskies" that is getting excellent reviews from both crits and fans.


colin dias
over 30 days ago to Riverdies

are u guys still together ? heard i wonder on youtube ... good band ....

colin dias
over 30 days ago to Riverdies

this sounds so distinct and good ... love it ..

Nice Pearl Jam-my sound here guys...I dig it! Love the guitar and vox...I'm a fan! ~GP

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